Hey all!
Halloween fun thanks to the face paint kit mom sent.
Our awesome costumes. Don't mind the bad group photo
Transfers is tomorrow and as fate would have it, Sister Beckstrand
is staying in YSA and her new companion is Sister Schiers. I know
absolutely nothing about her so more details will come next week!
Last Tuesday was Halloween! We had a lunch with our Sisterhood (the
sisters that our STL's are over) and then went out finding and had to
be home by 7. We came home and got the party started! We had a few kids
stop by for some candy but we mostly had the nights to ourselves. We
made carmeled apples, carved pineapples, and painted faces. I will let
the pictures speak for themselves.
Wednesday we had a really cool experience where we taught one of
our members cousins. He doesn't want to learn anymore but it was cool to
see the love that our member has for his cousin and see that love grow
while talking about the Gospel.
Thursday I hit my 100 day mark! It was weird to think I have
already been out that long. It feels like just yesterday I was getting
dropped off. We had a lemonade stand at FIU today and I made some
pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. For some reason no one here has ever had
those so they were all so amazed by them. Good way to start a
conversation to eventually lead to the Gospel.
Friday we didn't do a ton. Sister Bingham taught me how to do
Family History Work and a lot more goes into it than I thought did. It
is very important to do it so if you don't know how, go find out and
start working.
Saturday was a great day. We started off the day by having
breakfast with Mary in President Beesly's home with his family. I forgot
what it feels like to be in a home with the Spirit. That's the first
time I've been in a real home like that since I left. It was such an
awesome experience to have them bear their testimonies to Mary. We went
knocking after that and met an awesome guy named Mark. He had been
wondering why there were so many churches just earlier this week so we
were an answer to his prayers. Mary wanted to meet with us again that
afternoon so we were finally able to teach her the Plan of Salvation. I
love teaching that because it is familiar to everyone because we have
all heard it before.
Sunday was fast Sunday. Those days are always good. Just a whole lot of finding that day.
Yesterday was full of weird emotions. We found a super awesome girl
named Aysha. We shared the "Because of Him" video and she loved it. She
can't wait to come to church on Sunday and we can't wait to keep
helping her grow. Then we had dinner with our members Derek and Michael.
They are so awesome and always provide us with great food. I found out
that they read my blog so shout out to them! :) Then that night we had
transfer calls. It is the weirdest thing because you have no idea what
is going to happen. I am staying and I am so excited to help the branch
continue to grow.
That's about all I have for this week! Lots of pictures to come! I
hope you all enjoy! Keep being awesome! Keep going to the temple! I love
you all and appreciate the love!
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine: Trains! Everywhere! I can hear them while doing
studies. It reminds me of Lehi. I finally got a picture of one so here
you go!
Halloween fun thanks to the face paint kit mom sent.
Our awesome costumes. Don't mind the bad group photo
Cool Shirt mum sent me
our zone
Michael and Derek (members)
The Branch Relief Society and President Beesly, our branch pres.
My cute trainer
We got this picture from Gary Carter on Monday. He rushed it right over to us. His daughter and her family were in Florida on vacation and just happened to run into her I guess. I really don't know the whole story and forgot to ask her in her little time today. But an amazing thing to get. I love surprise pictures!
Aloha sweetie oops!...sister beckstrand, keep up the good works. Love n aloha to you. Always sister kahanu.