What a week full of miracles!! God just keeps doing his work here in the
Florida Fort Lauderdale mission and I am so grateful that I just a
front row seat at what is happening.
Last Monday we had a lesson with our friend Ed. He came to church
on Sunday because he wants to go to BYU but needed an interview from our
bishop so we met up with him before FHE. It was a really neat lesson.
He is going back to Peru for 3 weeks right before he moves to Utah but
we got him all excited about learning more there. We then played corn
hole for FHE!!! It was so fun. Brought back lots of memories from Pine
Tuesday was pretty good! We had a pretty normal day to say the
least. We got up and had studies and then headed to Miami Dade with our
member Grant for a lesson with our friend Derek. He was pretty late so
we got to talk with Grant for a bit. It was a good time. I love the
members in this branch so much and I'm grateful for the things I have
learned from them. Derek came and I honestly don't really remember what
we taught him off the top of my head. The lesson was all over the place.
But at the end we testified that what he wanted in his life would come
through being baptized. He was pretty skeptical about it but we read
from the Book of Mormon with him and bore testimony and he is looking to
be baptized on August 18th! Sister Dees and I are excited to help him
along this process. That night we had dinner with our member Andrew. He
made us some really good sweet potato chili. I never liked sweet
potatoes but something that is cool about a mission is that it changes
your taste buds so much. It's probably from all the burning hot beans
and rice.
Wednesday morning we got up bright and early to get ready for Zone
Conference! I love zone conference. It is such a spiritual boost for the
transfer. Smart that we do it right at the beginning. We talked a lot
about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I mean, it is what we talk about all
day as missionaries. We have really been trying to focus on memorizing
scriptures and having good role plays. The AP's asked us to do a role
play at zone conference about a week ago and they gave us a scripture to
practice. Well, the scripture didn't really make sense so we had no
idea what to do but we practiced and practiced and hoped that God would
take care of it. Well, once we got there and saw the scripture on the
board, it was not the same one they gave us so we basically just winged
it. It could have been way better than it was but that's what practice
is for right? We made up for it by singing a musical number after lunch
with Elder Te Hira and Elder McCombs. Hopefully it helped everyone
forget about our awful role play lol. Once we were done we headed home
and spent some time at Miami Dade. There was basically no one there so
we headed to Institute. If you are in high school or college and you
aren't going to institute or seminary, change that right now! You are
missing out on a lot of answers that God wants to give you! I promise
you will not regret dropping a class to make room for God.
Thursday Sister Beckstrand hit her 1 YEAR MARK!!!!! HOLY COW!!! A
year ago I was where Josh is. So weird to think about that. It seems
like I was there like 6 months ago. Not an entire year. But I am so
happy that I am where I am right now. I couldn't picture it any other
way. I will always hold the things I have learned in this last year dear
to my heart. I wouldn't want it any other way. We saw miracles stacked
on miracles!! We had a blitz on campus that morning and we found 4 new
friends which was awesome because we had been kinda struggling all week
and were really only teaching Derek. I love when God makes us busy. A
busy missionary is a happy (and stressed) missionary :) After our blitz
we had our studies and then had one of the coolest miracles happen thus
far on my mission. We have a member in our branch named Kara Kushma who
has been dating this kid named Ernie for a while. Ernie was taught by
some Elders last year but never got baptized because he got really busy.
Well, when I got to this area 4 months ago I thought he was a member
because he knew so much about the church. I was shocked that he wasn't.
Well we never asked to teach him because we had heard a lot of different
things about his situation but we finally talked to him and Kara about
it and he said that he would love for us to start teaching him! So
Thursday we went to Kara's house and got to know Ernie. We hadn't even
really started the lesson yet and we were just trying to figure out what
it was like last year with the Elders when he goes, "I felt like they
were trying to push me but I really feel like I'm ready to be baptized
now." We were so excited!! We taught him about the gospel of Jesus
Christ and he said that baptism would mean that he was officially a part
of the church he's been going to for the last year. We extended a
baptismal date for August 18th but he moves to Orlando on the 17th for
school. So long story short, he is getting baptized this upcoming
Saturday! A lot of work for Sister Dees and I but he is so ready and so
excited!! Year mark miracles!!! I wish it could happen more often.
Friday was a busy day as well. So busy actually that we didn't have
time to even eat. But that's okay because we decided to fast that Ernie
would be able to come to church because he said he might have to work
but we knew he needed to be at church to get baptized. So we started out
our day with a fast and our studies and then headed to Miami Dade to
talk to some people. Well, once we got there it started pouring rain. It
was so crazy. After being there for a bit we went to see Devin! It had
been a hot second since we had seen him but we wanted to see how he was
doing. We aren't really teaching him anymore but we want to make sure he
knows he is still welcome so we had a short lesson with him and then
headed to see Derek. Our member Jeff came with us. We had it at the mall
because it was a good halfway point for us. The struggle with Derek is
that he uses the bus to get everywhere so we never know if he's going to
be on time or not. Well, we had time to talk with Jeff for a bit and
then Derek came. We were planning on teaching him the Plan of Salvation
but we didn't have a ton of time and he kept asking us questions about
commandments so we taught him the Word of Wisdom instead. He didn't like
it very much and we haven't had the chance to really talk to him since
then so we will see what happens. Then we headed to Kushma's to teach
Ernie again. We showed up and they surprised us with dinner! God always
takes care of his missionaries :) We taught Ernie the restoration. Well,
he mostly taught us. It was a really good lesson. We asked him about
church and he said things weren't looking too hot but we had fasted so
we had faith that everything would work out on Saturday and then we left
to go knock with the sisters.
Saturday morning we headed down south to surprise the sisters. We
bought each companionship a jug of chocolate milk and wrote reasons we
love them all over it and then Sister Dees dressed up in her cow suit
and we knocked their door. It was really fun to see their reaction and
we got chocolate milk out of it. Always a good time :) Then we visited
some members down in their area that we hadn't met yet and that hadn't
come to church in a while. Everyone was home which was also a miracle! I
am so happy that God trusts us to take care of his children at this
time. I hope I can keep doing what he asks me to. That night we had
dinner with Kevin and his family. They cooked for us and it was so good.
My body, however, felt like nothing from the last couple days had been
digesting. But it wasn't anything a good sleep could take care of. We
had a blitz that night and the sunset was gorgeous! If I moved back to
Florida it would be because of the people and the sunsets. They got me
sold every time.
Sunday morning we were super excited for church. Ernie hadn't given
us an update yet so we just kept planning and studying with faith.
Then, about 5 minutes before we left the house, he texted us saying he
got work off so he could come!!!! We were basically bouncing off the
walls we were so excited. The power of fasting works. I have a testimony
of it. When we give up our need for food, God blesses us with our need
of spiritual strength for ourselves and for others. Needless to say,
church was awesome and Ernie was there :) We had dinner that night with
the Kushma's and Ernie and were able to teach him the Plan of Salvation.
It has been really cool to see how much Ernie already knows just by
coming to church and going to institute. I invite you all to invite a
friend to church this week! You never know how much it could change
their life. The worst they could say is no.
I love being a missionary and I am so grateful that I get to be a
missionary at this time. I have learned so much this past year and I'm
excited to see what the upcoming year has in store. I love Florida and
the humidity and the mosquitoes and the creatures and the people all so
much. I hope I can stay here for at least another transfer. This place
has my heart right now. I hope you all have a great week! Don't forget
to go to the temple!
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine: The grasshoppers! They are literally so huge and we have seen a ton of them lately!
The singing squad: Elder Te Hira, Sister Dees, Myself, Elder McCombs
Sister Dees and I
We love you MOO-cho!
The sunset
Our district <3