MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE!!!!! I hope you all have had fun this week as we are approaching Christmas tomorrow! I'm so excited to Skype home and see all your lovely faces :) This week was pretty good for us here in Boynton Beach!
Tuesday morning started out with our Christmas Zone Conference! It was awesome, as usual. We pretty much just reviewed everything that we are working on as a mission so we don't forget but it was still such a great time. We also got all of our Christmas packages after that too! Elder O'very made us a mission song and we all got it on a flash drive. Probably one of the best Christmas presents as a missionary haha. It's such a neat experience to be a missionary during the Christmas season and get to bring the reason for the season back into people's lives. It's awesome. That night we dropped Sister Wheeler and Sister Dorlean off to get an oil change and Sister Jensen and I picked up Sister Edmunds to take her to dinner. Well, on our way to Panda Express we went to make a right hand turn but there was a biker so we stopped aaannndddd got rear ended. So the remainder of the night was spent waiting for the cop to come fill out a report that we didn't end up needing but we made a new friend out of it. Everyone was completely fine except for the little scratch on our car. It was a great time. Once we were done we went caroling to the best neighborhood of lights. It was awesome! They had arches of lights lining their whole sidewalk. It was awesome!
Wednesday started off with a really cool miracle. We went to visit our friend Yarelis with one of our members but she wasn't home. But then Sister Kovacs, the member, looks at us and says, "I have a friend that I want to get baptized before she dies. Follow me." Well, Sister Kovacs is from the Philippines so our response was, "Sister Kovacs, does she speak English?" "Nope! But I can translate." And with a smile on all of our faces we headed off to meet Zenaida. She is the cutest, funniest little Filipino lady I have ever met. We taught her the Doctrine of Christ and I have a new found testimony of the gift of tongues. Even though I don't speak Tagalog and we couldn't understand a single word, we could follow what was going on and we had a super neat experience with her. So Grant, we are teaching a Filipino and its time to learn some Tagalog! That night was pretty normal after we had dinner with the Kovacs at Cracker Barrel and went caroling for like 2 hours. It was so much fun!
Thursday was pretty normal. We went to service at the food pantry and had some studies. We went to see our friend Dorothy with the Elders. When we got there she asked if we could help her set her tree up so we put our skills to the test and helped put up and decorate her tree while she put up everything else. It was fun to sing Christmas songs together and bring the Spirit into her home. We ate dinner with a bunch of missionaries that night with one of our members. While we were there it started pouring rain so of course, we put on our rain jackets and went caroling in the rain. A lot more people we were nice to us that night. Good times, good times.
Friday we had a good lesson with Kimberly. Elder Watkins and Elder Neff came with us because she wanted a blessing on her house. We were having dinner with her so we took a cake and the Elders brought cookies and Kimberly was so impressed that we could bake! It was pretty funny. We talked about moving her baptism date. Elder Watkins shared his experience while Elder Neff was giving her a blessing on Sunday. He said the number 29 kept coming into his head and Kimberly took that as an answer. She said she would pray it and talk to her husband and get back to us. So we prayed as hard as we could until Sunday. We also gave her a bunch of hot chocolate mix to help her stop drinking coffee.
Saturday morning Sister Jensen and I had to meet with zone leaders to plan some things for Christmas tomorrow. We had a cool lesson with our friend Fed! He is YSA though so we had Elder Watkins and Elder Neff with us to hand him off. Sister Dorlean is so savage. Its sooo fun to teach with her. He hadn't read the Book if Mormon so she got mad at him. Needless to say, he wont not read it now haha. We ended the night caroling again. One of the houses had a party going on and they made us stop so they could make everyone come outside. It was awesome. They had a sing a couple songs and then we were on our way.
Sunday morning we got a text from Kimberly saying she wanted to get baptized on Saturday! A big leap from August to this Saturday so that's fun! We have a lot of planning to do by this Saturday. Because church was only hour we also went to YSA because David slept in but he wanted us to go with him so we did. The remainder of our day was pretty normal with caroling and such. Our members love us so much and keep giving us presents. We are the most spoiled missionaries in the world. I love Boynton Beach! Next week is transfers and I really hope I get to stay here for my last 6 weeks. It's the promised land.
In all of your various places you may be, our Christmases are all pretty different. You may be outside building a snowman, you may be inside watching Home Alone and drinking some hot chocolate. You might be going sledding or maybe you're even out surfing on the beach. Maybe it's a sand castle you're building. For some you may still be raking leaves but others did that months ago. You may be having a BBQ at the park or you may be playing kickball in a church building. Here in Florida it's a solid 75 degrees and we get the opportunity to go around and share a message of peace and hope to those who live around us. To those that you mingle with everyday. To those that may be looking for truth but just don't know where to find it. You may try and tell me that your Christmas is the best this year, but it will never beat out the amazing opportunity that we have as missionaries to share the story of Christ and what we need to do to be able to follow his perfect example and return home to our Father in Heaven. Remember him tomorrow as you enjoy Christmas morning full of gifts and love. God's gift of his Son was the ultimate gift that we must never forget. Give back to him by taking the time to pray and read His words in the scriptures. I hope you all have a Merry CHRISTmas!!
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine: This sign in our member's house. It makes me laugh every time.
Dorothy and her tree. (feat. her cat Doritos)
Zone Conference friends!!! We definitely coordinated our colors :)
The Misfits: (we call ourselves the misfits because we used to be a district but now we aren't but we are too far from our districts to ever do anything with them) Elder Van Dyke, Elder Watkins, Sister Dorlean, me, Sister Jensen, Sister Wheeler, Elder Neff, Elder Egan
(The second group picture includes Sister Oliveira and Elder Tucker)