OK, So here is some advice for any family that is going to drop their missionary off at the MTC. If you want to have an enjoyable experience, go to the Provo Temple first. Arrive at least a half an hour before your drop off time. Give yourself lots of time to not be rushed. Go up by the temple. Don't stay down on the lower grass by the parking lot. The spirit is by the temple. It's quieter. The very first thing to do is find a family that needs their picture taken and offer to take theirs if they will take yours. Group pictures MUST be done as soon as you get there!!! If you wait, then you will start to cry and will be puffy in the pictures. Then take pictures with the missionary next. Start with whomever is going to cry the most first. Walk around. Enjoy the mountain and the time you have together! Doing this instead of just going straight to the MTC gives you some peace. It gives you time to properly say goodbye because you WILL NOT have it at the MTC and you won't want it there. This is the time and the place to hug and cry. Get it out here! Because when you get in your car and drive straight across the street, you need to put a smile on your face and be the firm foundation that your missionary needs. I promise that making a trip to the temple together before you go to the MTC will make all the difference in the world to you and your missionary. The first thing we did when we got to the Provo Temple was re-create the picture we took when we dropped off Shayne. hehehe.
We kidded Josh that he still weighs the same as he did back then. He just grew. Ben was the happiest about this picture. He's been measuring himself up against everyone. Everyday. It's obnoxious. It was March in Shayne's photo and about 60 degrees. Today wasn't bad but it was still 90. David has been Sophie's intern when it comes to selfie's. He's taken a bunch of her pictures with her phone including the one of her holding out her Book of Mormon that we used for her invitations. So, this wasn't a surprise when this happened.
I found this cute little bench to take her picture. Ashley was able to meet us there and go to the MTC to see Sophie off. Ashley is playing basketball for BYU and just lives down the road from the MTC.
So since our last name starts with B, Sophie was in the first group to show up. 12:30-12:45pm. We pulled up at 12:35 and instead of having all of the missionaries lined up where they usually are, there was this. We weren't sure what to do so we followed the cones and saw a guy wave us down into the underground parking. So, down we went. We also noticed the KSL news team there shooting some footage. These 4 new 6 story buildings had just been completed and they were doing an amazing story on them and all of the new missionaries that they were going to support.
As soon as we got into the parking garage, we saw the line of missionaries just waiting, with all their smiles, to help the next person with their luggage. When you first drive into the MTC they ask you if you have a Sister or Elder that you are dropping off and they put a pink or blue Post-It on your windshield according to which one is in the vehicle. So as we past by, waving like crazy with our windows down, saying high to everyone, the next Sister missionary in line followed our van down the line to help Sophie out. Her name was Sister Smith. She was super nice. Sophie gave everyone a hug. Josh started to cry again. Sister Smith took our picture and they left. It took all of 2 minutes. It does not need to take any longer. It shouldn't. Get in, Get out, Get them on with the work of the Lord. With a little shout of, "Woo Hoo Sister Beckstrand!" We jumped back in the car and were off.
I want to add one more piece of advice here. Don't ever say, I MISS YOU. You both know that you will miss each other. Those words are just an opening for Satan to throw his #1 tool at these missionaries...homesickness. They don't need it. YOU don't need it. We say, "Work hard!" instead. (It's like using a code that Satan doesn't know about). It uplifts them instead of bringing them down. The three little words that you should always say are I Love You.
Go get em' Sophie! Have fun at the MTC. August 15th she leaves for Florida!
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