Tuesday, September 26, 2017

2 Months and Transfers!!

Man this week was full of excitement! 
This last Monday we got a new investigator! His name is Alex and is super cool. We haven't actually taught him a legit lesson yet but we have had a couple lessons with him. He is in a search for happiness and we have been doing our best to help him. He loves reading the Book of Mormon so hopefully we can actually start teaching him real lessons soon. During our first lesson an iguana hoped up on our table and just stared at us so that was pretty cool and freaky all at the same time. 
Tuesday I had my first Zone Conference! That was way cool. Didn't think I could feel the Spirit more than I already have been out here but boy was I wrong. Learned a ton of new things to help us continue to have the desire to go out and find people that are ready to teach. We met with a less active that night who said he has a cousin who took the missionary discussions before but wasn't baptized and said we could talk to her. We still haven't gotten a hold of her but we're still trying.
On Wednesday we had a super cool lesson with a girl named Kaylyn. She talked about wanting a better connection with God so we taught her how to pray and she prayed with us. After the prayer she said she felt so relieved. I love seeing gators pray for their first time. It is a neat experience. 
Friday night we had a super cool lesson with Mary at President Garns house with him and Sister Garns. They are so amazing and it was cool to teach with them. Mary is catholic and just doesn't want to leave her family church but knows what we teach is true. If you could pray for her that would be fantastic. We spent the night at the mission home and woke up bright and early the next morning to head down to the keys to do some service!! We got to go all the way down to Key West. It isn't as bad as all of the other Keys in between but we still had work to do. We went to one of the camp sites and just unloaded a truck. We all have bruises and such from tossing boxes but had so much fun doing it. We had dinner at the camp site. One of the Elders down here has a rugby ball that we got to pass around. Man I miss that sport a ton. It was nice to just get to pass for a bit. That night we slept at a Presbyterian church because the Key West chapel didn't have A/C yet. They were so kind to let us stay. It was such a good night. We all woke up sore and got right back to work after a short sacrament meeting. We helped  a member move all day and had a gator come down to help so we stopped at a Chinese place on our way home. We all took a good nap on the way home and just rested up for transfer calls on Monday.
Monday was transfer calls! So basically we go all day not knowing anything then get a call right before bed saying where everyone in our zone will be going on Wednesday. It's pretty crazy. There were a lot of crazy changes but I will be staying with Sister Bingham here in Miami Lakes YSA! 
I love you all a ton! I feel your love and prayers every day. Keep being awesome. Go to the temple this week. Have a great time watching General Conference! 
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: The clouds. We saw a lot of them while we were driving a ton this week. They are so pretty here because there are no mountains to get in their way. It's pretty cool.
Your cute worker
Me and Sister Bingham on the beach
The streets in the keys are just lined with piles like this up and down
The campsite most helping hands stayed at in the Keys
Our setup at the Presbyterian church we stayed at 
The truck we unloaded

Drawings to keep me company for the drive. I gave them to the Elders that are serving in YSA with us.
The group I was with most of the time in the Keys. Elder Smith is next to me and then Elder Jones,  Vasquez, and Belnap in the back seat. 


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One Day More!!

Well friends, the time has officially come. I don't know where the last 18 months went because I honestly feel like it's on...