Tuesday, December 19, 2017

A Week in a Trio

Hey everyone! This week has been quite a fun one here in the Sunshine State as we are getting closer to Christmas! It is actually pretty weird because it is only cold like every three weeks for about 5 days but everyone has decorations up so it must be coming. Christmas in the heat is quite an odd experience but I love it nonetheless. 

Last Thursday was Sister Louissaints last day here in the FFLM. Because of the Christmas season they sent home all the returning missionaries a week early to make sure they all had flights. So we woke up Thursday morning and helped her finishing packing. We did some last minute things for her and then headed up to Plantation to drop her off. It was very sad to see her go but we got to have Sister Brown join us in YSA cause she didn't have a companion anymore. So we got to be in a trio for the last week of the transfer and cover both areas! It was super fun. And because we were in a trio I got the back seat all to myself :) We went to our last night of Institute that night. I am going to miss President Beesly's classes. He is amazing.
Friday was a day of finding. We knocked, which is super fun in a trio, and taught some lessons but didn't quite find the elect. That night we were invited to the Miami Lakes ward party. We as missionaries got to pass out food. It was a lot of fun. They are a Spanish ward so it was fun to just smile and wave :) I have gotten quite good at that here in the Hialeah Zone where literally everyone speaks Spanish almost. I love it. We got cute Elf aprons and hats to wear for the party. It was a lot of fun.
Saturday we knocked for about 4 hours. We went from one area to the next in Sister Brown's district and knocked in everyone's areas. It was pretty fun. I have learned enough Spanish to do a door approach but then my comp has to take over after that if we find Latins (which happens a lot). Every time we talk to someone though they find out I can't speak Spanish, they say something, and then everyone laughs and looks at me. No one ever tells me what they say so I just keep smiling. It is something I have learned to live with out here. During our full day of knocking we found a street vendor! Uncle Kyle told me I needed to buy a certain fruit (I can't remember it off the top of my head) but he didn't have it. So we just bought a pineapple instead. He even cut it up for us and put it in a bag. Probably not super sanitary but they tasted quite good. That night we got to go to the Hialeah Ward Christmas Party. Another Spanish ward but their investigator came and he speaks English so it was cool to talk to him. 
Sunday we had a full day of church. We went to the Hialeah ward council at 7:30 and then stayed at church until we had to go to our Branch council at 11:30. We stayed there for an hour and then ran home to eat some lunch before going to our branch at 1. We had a really cool Christmas program in sacrament and heard some beautiful songs. We had a Linger Longer after church. Food is always good. That night we were able to see Lucas again! We taught him the Restoration and he loved it! He also gave us doughnuts which was fun. I am sad that I don't get to keep teaching him but I am excited to hear him progressing. 
Yesterday was our last full day of knocking here in this area. We had a blitz in every district and had a dinner appointment with one of the members in the Hialeah ward. We had FHE at President Beesly's home to end our night. He is so awesome. Everyone was there which was a Christmas miracle. It was nice to get to say bye to everyone one last time. Derek gave us presents which was super nice of him. So now we have some original "U" swag. It's great. We headed home that night and cleaned our house while waiting for transfer calls. Sister Beckstrand is heading up north to Sunrise and my new companion will be Sister Smith. I have only heard good things about her and I am excited to be sharing a branch with the AP's!
That's about it for me this week. Next week I will be skyping home for Christmas. Not sure what time. But P-day will be on Tuesday cause I'll be skyping Monday so expect an email on Tuesday from me. I hope everyone is putting in all their efforts to Light the World before Christmas on Monday. I also hope you are all going to the temple! Take advantage of it! You will regret it later if you don't. I promise it will bless your life. I love you all and hope you have an awesome Christmas! Talk to you next week!!

All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: The street Vendor! They are seriously on every street. I love it. And the fruit is soo good! Don't mind the awful picture of me. 

Us at the Miami Lakes Party 
Last day with Sister Louissaint
Trio and more from the party

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