Hello everyone! There have been a lot of changes going on here in the Florida, Fort Lauderdale Mission.
Starting with last Wednesday I got a new companion! Like, brand
new! Life of a trainer right here. Her name is Sister Reidhead. She is
from Arizona and is just the sweetest, cutest thing known to mankind. I
couldn't have asked for a better trainee. We went to the chapel
Wednesday morning and we had a meeting where all the new missionaries
gave their testimonies and then we found out who our new comps would be.
Had a little training as new trainers and then had lunch and everyone
showed up for transfers. It was a party to say the least. I am so happy
that I get the opportunity to introduce her to the FFLM. She is going to
love it.
Thursday we had district training and practiced some role plays. It was
good. Everyone in our district is training in some way or another.
Pretty crazy. We found a super cool investigator that night. We were
talking to her through her window and thought she was just going to send
us away but the spirit told us to stay so we just kept asking her some
get to know you questions. She eventually came outside and we were able
to share the Restoration with her. Alex is a cop who is out of
commission because of an injury that she got during a chase and has
really been looking for some guidance in her life. We were so happy that
we listened to the spirit and stayed.
Friday we met Shernette at the chapel to help her start her family
history work and find her some names she can take to the temple. We all
learned really quickly that none of us knew what we were doing. But the
spirit is just awesome and we figured it out. If you don't know how to
do family history work I highly recommend you figure it out, haha. While
we were trying to do it she called her mom to find a date and her mom
was "overcome with the spirit" and started speaking in weird tongues and
kept saying "Lord have mercy!!" over and over. It was so funny to
listen to. She ended up calling her sister instead.
Saturday morning we got permission to go to the chapel to buy
smartphones! That's right. Our mission is upgrading. We are getting
smartphones this transfer at zone conference. I am so excited because
now we can show videos to people and don't have to fill out a million
papers. It is going to be so nice. No more slide phones. YESS! That
night while we were knocking we knocked on a door and it sounded like
there was a lady outside on the phone so we just waited for someone to
answer. As we were walking away, this man started yelling at his
bird!! We were caught off guard. It was so funny and sounded just like a
real person. We laughed about it for a bit. That night we ate at
Flannigans with the sisters, John and Claudio and his son Claudio Jr.
It was a great time.
Sunday was fast Sunday! One more down in the books. We got there
and found out last minute that we were going to teach Gospel Principles
because the sister that usually teaches it had surgery on her thyroid
last week and can't really talk. So we winged a lesson on prayer and it
went really well.
All in all it has been a great week. We are excited to see what
this transfer has in store for us and to continue learning from each
other. I hope you all have a great week and make time to go to the
temple! I promise you wont regret it. I love you all!!
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine

Last Day with Sister Smith. We went Sun-rising before we headed to transfers. It was nice and cold and windy but it was fun to just be together one last time.
First time I met Sister Reidhead
Our 4 generation picture. My trainer, her trainer and Sister Reidhead and I
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