WOOOOAAAH We're halfway there!!! WOOOAAAH livin' on a prayer!!! Man I
don't feel like I have been out for 9 months and yet, here we are.
Halfway baby. This last week was a good one.
Florida Sunshine: These are your typical g-whips here in Florida. Saw them everywhere in Ft. Laud.
Our last night with Claudio at Cheescake factory
We went Sunrising with the sisters our last morning together. It was a bitter sweet moment.
Sister Bingham and I
On Tuesday we mostly packed and got ready to leave our area of
Sunrise. It was honestly a pretty sad day and I miss that area and
everyone there like crazy. We had a zone activity and then once p-day
was over we went to say bye to some friends. We went to Shernette's
house first and we all cried together and then we went and said goodbye
to Susan before heading to dinner with Claudio and John and the Sisters
at Cheesecake Factory. It was a good night to get together one last time
to be able to remember just how lucky we all were to cross paths and
how when we get to see each other again it will be a very happy day.
Wednesday morning we woke up bright and early to head to the beach
to watch the sunrise one last time in the area of sunrise. We went with
the sisters in our sisterhood and enjoyed being around each other. We
went home after that and loaded up the car. We had to take two trips
because we only had one car and 3 of us were leaving. Transfers was
great. It was so nice to see everyone again and reunite with Sister
Goldstein!! This transfer is going to be great. We then started our hour
and a half drive home. It was a party. Once we got into our area we
unloaded, shopped and then headed to the chapel. Not only is it the
chapel we went to for Hurricane clean up but it is right across from the
Miami Dade campus so we parked there and headed over to talk to some
people. After being on campus for a bit we headed back over to the
chapel for institute. Brother Beesly is our teacher and I am so excited
to have him back. He was our branch president when I was in Miami Lakes
YSA. I also got to meet some people that I had seen before and was
reunited with old friends. I am really going to love it down here.
HUMP DAYYYYY!!!! Thursday we hit our halfway together!! That was
pretty cool. I didn't think that would ever happen but it has and we are
stoked. We had District Training on being bold and loving all at the
same time. Great way to start off the transfer. Then we headed to
University of Miami which is only about 15 minutes away. It. Is. Huge. I
am used to my little Dixie State. UM is like something you see on
movies that I didn't think was real. It takes 15 minutes to walk in just
so you can find people. It is so awesome. We had a lesson that night
with our friend Kaity. Her nanny growing up was a Mormon so she kind of
found us. It was fun to meet her and start teaching her. We had our
member Hannah there with us. She is from Sandy and is best friends with
Sister Bingham so it was fun to already have a connection with the
branch. We are so excited to help Kaity on this journey that she is on.
Friday was a pretty much a typical missionary day. Something I
forgot from being in a small area and also being on bikes is how much
time you spend driving in YSA. Everything is always forever away from
where you are so it takes at least 15 minutes to get anywhere without
traffic. We are learning how to use out time wisely.
Saturday morning we had a district blitz. It is getting hot my
friends. Summer in Florida is among us and I can't wait to take it head
on. But, summer also means hurricane season which means lots of rain
which I am PUMPED for. After our blitz we headed to UM to have another
lesson with Kaity. This time with our member Liz who is seriously
awesome. We taught Kaity about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and she told
us she wants to be baptized because she wants it to be her choice. We
are just working on when we can help her reach that goal that she wants.
We are so excited for her. After our lesson Liz took us out to dinner
with Derek at a Peruvian Chinese place. It was so good. I am so excited
to have Derek back so he can introduce us to good food places :) After
dinner we visited some less actives on our way home. There is a lot of
work to do here and I am so excited to be a part of it.
Sunday I got to meet the branch! It was branch conference so we had
a lot of members there. The spirit in this branch is so strong. I love
every second of it and it has only been one Sunday. After church we had
dinner at a member house with Elder Lorimer and Elder Norman. I was with
Elder Norman in the MTC so it is a lot of fun to be serving around him
again. After dinner we spent the night at UM. It is nice to have people
live on campus but finals is next week and everyone is going home so it
has been hard to find people we can work with. We are going to keep
having faith though that everything will work out.
I love being here in the FFLM, aka the best mission in the world. I
am so happy to be back in YSA and keep on keeping on with the work. I
hope you all are working just as hard back at home! The work can't be
done without the members so please help your missionaries! They need you
as much as you need them. Also, I'm living alone now and don't really
talk to anyone. I'm not asking for letters but I promise I will write
you back if I do get one :) I hope you all have a great week this week!!
Keep reading and praying and going to the temple. God will bless you
for it!
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine: These are your typical g-whips here in Florida. Saw them everywhere in Ft. Laud.
Our last night with Claudio at Cheescake factory
We went Sunrising with the sisters our last morning together. It was a bitter sweet moment.
Sister Bingham and I
Sister Reidhead and I saying goodbye to Sister Tyrrell
Reunited with Sister Goldstein!!!
How nice it has been to be reunited with this weirdo after being apart for 9 months!
No better way to celebrate half way!!
Hip hip hurray for hump day!