Wow. What a week it has been. So much has happened so lets start at the very beginning. A very good place to start.
Last Monday was so fun. We went down to Hollywood and did some
souvenir shopping and enjoyed the views of the beach. That night we
biked up to Sister Johnson's house for Family Home Evening with the
recent converts in our branch. It was a 3 mile bike ride for us so not
bad. But about halfway there we turned a corner and we couldn't see what
was on the other side and, surprise!! There was another biker. We
crashed into each other but we were both good and continued on our way!
FHE was good and we had a great bike ride home.
Tuesday after our studies we went and knocked some streets and then
started our 9 mile bike ride through Ft. Lauderdale to a members house
for dinner. It was one of the coolest bike rides I have ever been on. I
felt like I was in a movie biking through the big city. We were greeted
at the Barkley's by some nice chicken pot pie. After a short lesson and
taking pictures of the view from their 9th floor apartment on the beach,
we started our journey back home. We talked to some awesome homeless
people and enjoyed the nice Florida air. Then we got to a park and part
of the sidewalk was closed off so onto the grass we went. But when
Sister Beckstrand went to get back on the sidewalk, I guess my bike
didn't want to. I hit the sidewalk and according to Sister Reidhead I
"very gracefully laid my bike down." It didn't feel too graceful. I just
stayed on the ground for a minute because we could not stop laughing.
It was pretty ridiculous. But I hit my knee pretty hard on the ground so
the next 5 miles were not super fun. We got home around 8 and I just
had to put some frozen peas on my knee cause I couldn't really move. I
guess I'm not meant to bike.
Wednesday morning we had Zone Training. We once again talked about
the power of the scriptures and why we should use them to teach. We
should also be so diligent in studying them. Not just on a mission but
every day of our lives. They hold truth and guidance. I promise you that
if you will read your scriptures every day, God will guide you. It
might not be how you want it to be or where but He will have a hand as
long as you are wiling to trust him. We had dinner with Claudio that
night at Ihop for the last time :( It was pretty sad. I will miss it
there. Claudio bought us a ton of food so we took most of it home and
had breakfast for the rest of the week. Then we went home and changed
into dresses and the Sisters picked us up and we headed to our last Book
of Mormon class. Everyone came so that was super cool! It was nice to
all be together again.
Thursday we saw some miracles. We went to go visit our friend
Janice because she didn't come to church. She talked about how she and
her dad have never gotten along because he isn't very nice but he saw
her Book of Mormon on her chair and picked it up and read some of it.
She said when she got back she tried to take it away from him but he
really wanted it. She told us that it was the coolest thing she has ever
seen. She had never seen her dad be so genuine about something in her
life. He was feeling pretty sick that day so we couldn't teach him.
However, we did go right inside and give him his own copy so he could
start reading :) The Book of Mormon contains so much truth and power. If
you aren't reading it daily, please do so!! I promise it will bless
your life. That night we had a super awesome lesson with our friend
Lydia and even set her with a date! She kept talking about how it was a
test of her faith. We promised her it is what God wants her to do. We
left to go visit someone else and she called us as we were locking up
our bikes and told us that she wasn't ready for all this and would call
us when she was. We were pretty heart broken but we know she is in God's
hands and He will take care of her.
Friday morning we had a comp study with our District Leader. We
talked about boldness and love and how they go hand in hand. The best
way to show someone you love them is to be bold with them. Then it is
clear what needs to happen and they can feel that you are convicted in
what you say. So next time you need something, be bold. It works. After
that we spent two hours putting in our area book in the phone and we
finished it!! I am so happy to be done with that. It is so nice to have
everyone in your area in the palm of your hand. Having technology is
really helping with hastening the work because now we don't have to
spend time looking for who is closest to us. The app will tell us who is
around us and where we can go. It's awesome! That night we found a
super awesome Peruvian named Tina. A couple months ago she saw the hour
long Restoration movie and loved it. She was kinda busy and her husband
wasn't home so we testified and told her we would come back. Then we
tried to visit every person that we could think of but no one would
answer the door. So we started to call every person on our area book
just longing for someone to teach a lesson too and no one would answer.
It was only 8:30 and we still had a half an hour to go so we prayed and
finally someone answered. We were off like the wind!! We visited our
friend Rick and were able to teach him about the Book of Mormon and
leave him with his own copy.
Saturday we had an extra friend with us all day! Her name is
Sabrina and she is a Laurel from the Ft. Lauderdale stake. They had mini
missions that day but not enough Sister Missionaries in their stake so
we got to help out! It was really fun to have her with us and hear her
testimony. It really helped me to understand the importance of who I
represent and what it is I am here to do. We were able to teach Janice
again. Sadly her dad was in the hospital for something with his heart
but Sabrina was able to connect with Janice in the Bible and softened
her heart to wanting to come to church! It was the coolest thing to
watch. We gave her the address again and pulled it up on her GPS so she
knew how to get there and then we went out and kept knocking doors. We
had a district blitz so we were able to knock with everyone. After
dinner we tried to visit more people but they all fell through so we
kept on knocking. We were all getting a little discouraged so we prayed
in our hearts and were led to our new friend Wayne! He agreed with the
teaching of Christ and told us to come back again to keep talking about
his favorite person, Jesus Christ.
Sunday morning we walked into sacrament and the Elders pulled us
aside. There are pros to sharing a ward with the Assistants. They told
us that our area of Sunrise was going to be closed so we better start
taking pictures with whoever we want pictures with. I knew it was coming
but didn't think it would be so hard. President Turrini had us bear our
testimonies because he was pretty sad to have to give us up. After
church we went and told Shernette we would be leaving and had one last
lesson with her and then we had dinner with the Turrini family. We had
whatever kind of meat you can think of. President Turrini is from
Paraguay so he loves to grill and he does a great job. I will miss my
Sunrise family. They will always have piece of my heart. That night we
went and saw Tina again. As we walked up we could hear a party going on.
We knocked and her husband answered and right away invited us in! His
best friend was over and they were having karaoke night. They invited
us to sing but we just sat back and enjoyed the entertainment as we
waited for Tina to come out. We were able to clear up some doubts about
Joseph Smith and we left her with a Book of Mormon that she was excited
to read.
Yesterday we had a zone wide exchange. I got the chance to stay in
Sunrise and Sister Dees joined me. It was my last full day of missionary
work here so I was grateful I got to stay. We went to service for our
last time with the Elders and took some pictures and then we went and
knocked in the rain. That was pretty fun. We found this super awesome 90
year old who knows that God has kept her alive this long for a reason.
We shared the Plan of Salvation with her and she was excited to read
more about it. Then we had dinner with the Malinconicos and FHE at their
house with Ninie. Everyone was supposed to be there but they all had
stuff come up. We talked about enduring to the end and then had some
cupcakes and headed home for our transfer call. They are closing the
area of Sunrise. Sister Reidhead is going north to Wellington in the
Jupiter Zone and her companion is Sister Hammond. I am going all the way
south to the Miami South Zone and serving in Snapper Creek YSA with
Sister Goldstein!! I am so excited to head down there and be in YSA
It has been a fun 4 months here in Sunrise. It has been my own
little Route 66 and it will forever have a piece of my heart. I know God
has a lot of things in store for the next couple months and I can't
wait to find out what. But in the words of Dr. Suess, "Don't cry because
it's over, smile because it happened." I love you all back at home!
Keep being awesome and keep doing what God wants of you. Have a great
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine: lizards!!! We have to avoid them on our bikes. They
get pretty big. This guy is the only one I have a picture of.
The Malinconicos
Ninie and the Elders, Hatch and Overy.
Mini Missionary Sabrina!
Sister Brady (our grandma)
Working the grill at the Turrini's
Service with Elder Watkins and Mickleson
Views from our member's house
Tag pic
3rd crash
Zone pic
House fam❤
Penny's side note - I was told that Sophie now hold the mission record for most crashes while in the mission. She must have an equilibrium problem. And I want to go on record that she was not the one driving the car when they got in the car accident, so hopefully she will have one in her new area. She's not safe on a bike.
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