Tuesday, January 29, 2019

18 Months in the Sunshine State!

Hello everyone!! I hope you had a good week! Despite the fact I was fighting a cold all week, ours was pretty good here in Boynton Beach :)

Once P-day was over on Tuesday Sister Jensen and I had to plan our training but we stopped by their friend Gustavo's first to help him with his homework. He is the cutest little Ecuadorian 9 year old ever. They are just waiting for his mum to have a day off so they can baptize him. He's hilarious. 

Wednesday morning we started out the day with zone council. Sister Jensen and I gave a training on sacrifice. We read the story of Abraham sacrificing Isaac and talked about how we all have things we need to give up on the alter as missionaries to help us be more obedient. We all have things that we need to work on. That's the great news about the gospel! We all have room to improve and progress. God is good that way. Later that day we went and saw Grandma Jean. She is from Trinidad but lived with all the LDS people over in California so she calls us her people. We didn't have a ton of time to talk with her but she gave us some snacks and we were on our way. We had dinner with the Milton's later and ended the night at Relief Society night with Kimberly. The Relief Society in our ward are literally so awesome. I haven't laughed so hard in a while. We started the Celestial University thing. Apparently it's pretty old but it looks pretty cool! We're gonna do it as a ward:) 

Thursday we went on exchanges with the Boca Rio sisters. So that means Sister Abdo got to spend the day with me in Boynton Beach! We started with a lesson with Zenaida :) Once again it was all over the place but it was really fun. One of my favorite parts of being a missionary is seeing how excited people get about the gospel. We may not be able to understand what Zenaida says but the Spirit speaks all languages and delivers the same awesome message. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL! Later that day we found a new friend named Gwendolyn. She had just moved up from Ft. Laud and had talked to missionaries down there. She had the same questions Joseph Smith had and was so excited to hear the message of the Restoration. I'm grateful for the peace this gospel brings in a world where it's easy to get confused. It was honestly a really cool lesson. We had dinner that night with Kimberly. I love that human with my whole soul. We went through the Plan of Salvation again. She said the only thing she cares about is getting to the Celestial Kingdom. We told her that that was the perfect goal to have. We had to get Sister Abdo back down to Boca right after that so that was the end of our day.

Friday was honestly kind of unproductive because I was falling apart. Friday and Saturday were my worst days with my cold so we spend a lot of time at home so I could rest and so I didn't hand off what I had to others. We did get to go see Grandma Jean again though.  She gave us some hot chocolate and cookies and we sang some hymns with her. She also gave Soeur Dorlean an African dress! We somehow got on the topic of dresses and she mentioned how much she loved them and Jean walked into her room and grabbed a dress and gave it to her! It was so pretty and looks so good on her. 

Saturday morning we woke up to some nice rain outside. That morning the YSA had a baptism and I once again had to play the piano so we went. It was for our friend Nick that we were teaching awhile ago and then passed off to YSA. It was cool to see him make that step in his life. The primary teachers had a party that morning too so they invited us all in for lunch after. It was really good food. That night we had dinner at a members house. His wife died a few years ago and we were worried that there wasn't going to be a woman home so we could go inside but then we showed up and half of the ward was there! It was our own little party. Honestly so much fun. I am going to miss these Boynton Beach members. 

Sunday was awesome. Zenaida was there :) After sacrament we had Brother Uy give her a blessing because she has had really bad vertigo lately. I have seen the Elders give blessings in Creole before and it's really cool but it was something else seeing Brother Uy give Zenaida a blessing in Tagalog. Teaching Zenaida has been cool and has strengthened my testimony that the gospel really is the same anywhere you go and the Spirit really knows how to teach us all in our own ways. The Church is true people! And if you don't believe it, I invite you to pray about it. The Spirit has taught me some of the biggest truths on my mission. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I know Joseph Smith was called as a prophet to restore Jesus Christ's church back on the Earth. I know The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on Earth and contains the Priesthood authority of God to perform saving ordinances. I know God is there and cares for us and loves us everyday. I know the temple is the house of the Lord and I invite you all to go this week! Keep being awesome :) 

All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

I cut off 5 inches of Sister Jensen's hair! It looked pretty good :) and then another 2 inches this morning.
18 MONTHS!!! A memorable day calls for pictures of course.
Elders left to right: Mickelson, Davis, Hardy, Affleck, Court, Van Dyke, Watkins, Pereira, Randall, Gardner, Melo, Fili, Neff, Ruth
Sisters: Yuen, Me, Dorlean, Ward, Ahlm, Jensen, Abdo, Edmunds, Randall, Drecksel 

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Friends For Life Mission

Here in the FFLM we are sometimes referred to as the "friends for life mission" and oh how grateful I am for the friends that I have made here. God sends us to our specific missions and mission presidents so we not only bless the lives of those around us, but so we can meet the people we need in our life that we wouldn't have met otherwise. I love the people I'm serving with and have served with. You have all blessed my life so much. This week Sister Jensen and I got to go on two exchanges so we were all over the place. 

Tuesday we has zone conference. My very last one. It was pretty sad actually. I had to give my departing testimony. Most of conference was focused on consecrated obedience. We talked about the rich young ruler in the bible. He was a pretty good follower of Jesus Christ but as soon as he was asked to give up all that he had and follow Christ, he couldn't do it. We have all got to be willing to give up that one thing that is holding us back from getting closer to our Savior and becoming more like him. What's your thing? Are you willing to give it up? That night we had Book of Mormon class and correlation. Always great meetings to be at. 

Wednesday we got to meet with Zenaida. That woman is literally the cutest. We got to teach her the Plan of Salvation and she loved it! Teaching her has been a learning experience for us. We have been teaching her with basically only scriptures because we know what those say. We don't understand when Sister Kovacs speaks Tagalog. But it all works out! She also kept bringing up baptism so at the end of the lesson we invited her to be baptized and she said of course!! So come February 9th Zenaida will be baptized!!! She was already setting up the time and everything. That night we headed up to Palm Beach to exchange.

Thursday I was joined by Sister Randall here in Boynton Beach. We visited out friend Daphyne that morning but she was sick so she just let us pray for her and then she sent us on our way. So we headed down to do service at the food pantry in Delray. While we were there we got a call from Sister Wheeler down in Miami. They had come up because they needed to pay a ticket at the Delray courthouse but they left their keys there and had taken the train up and back. So they hopped back on the train and we went and got their keys for them and met them at the train station. It was a tender mercy because Sister Wheelers comp is Sister Jacobsen, who was Sister Randall's last companion. So they got to talk for a little bit which was really needed. We knocked for a but that day but not much else happened. It was freezing cold by the time we had to exchange back. And Josh, when I say freezing, it was like 67 degrees and windy lol.
Friday morning Sister Jensen and I had to meet up with the Zone Leaders to plan out zone council. We only do them once a transfer but it seems like we are always planning training's. The weeks just get faster and faster. I just need a rewind button and go back a couple months. There is no way it's almost February! We had dinner that night with the Ramos family. They are from Guyana so it was cool to learn more of their culture. That has been one of my favorite parts of Florida, just learning about all these different Latin cultures and what they do. It's pretty awesome. We had to do a lot of planning that day so not much else happened. 

We got to see Zenaida again on Saturday. That little nugget just gets happier and happier every time we come by. It's the best. We taught her the word of wisdom and went through the 10 commandments and then she just kept asking what all the other commandments were. It was awesome. We were all over the place trying to find scriptures in the Book of Mormon and the bible. Luckily, the Doctrine and Covenants are in Tagalog on Gospel Library so that was super helpful too. After her we headed down to Boca to knock with the Sisters. I knocked with Sister Yuen first and then later with Sister Abdo. They are both super hard working missionaries so it was fun to be with them and see how they roll. Sister Abdo goes home one transfer after me so it was good to talk about how to stay strong to the end. The mission life is literally the best life. That night I had to play the piano at a baptism for the YSA branch and speak so it was fun to be there. It's awesome to see how the work is progressing in all the different areas. Not just the mission but across the world too.
Sunday was awesome. Zenaida came to church which was good. We were worried that Sister Kovacs might forget her again but thanks to a lot of prayers, they were there :) Kimberly also got her physical temple recommended which was excited. We are super pumped to go with her on Saturday. After church we had lunch with the Haitian ward. I've never been so confused in my life. But the food is always sooo good. The Elders were there too so I wasn't completely lost. Everyone was translating for me. I love the Haitians. They are such awesome people. That night we had dinner with the Ruchs. It was good but we were still so full from lunch. But their house was really cool. In our area you've got the humble people and the pretty ritzy people. I love when people let us tour their house because I will probably never have a house as cool as theirs. That night we headed back down to Boca to exchange.

Monday I spent the day in Boca Raton with Sister Edmunds and we biked all day! It was honestly so much fun. I really love biking and wish I would've done it more on my mission. The carnival in Boca started yesterday so we went and OYMed people there. It was honestly kinda hard to find a way to talk to them but it was really good. And of course we got snow cones before we left. Then we biked over to visit a returning member but on the way there we took a pit stop at President Boggus house to grab some water. He is the YSA branch president up here and they live in a literal mansion. I had heard a lot about their house and was so excited to finally go. Their cleaning people are in my ward so they gave us a tour :) they have an actually movie theater, and elevator, its three stories and the stop is just a huge game room. They have a legit library with a ladder and everything and their backyard is literally right on the ocean. It was so cool. We tried to visit the member after our quick little pit stop but then we couldn't get in so we made the trek back to the church and exchanged with the sisters. Sister Jensen and I had dinner with their friend Erika that night. She is from Peru. They made this potato tuna stuff. It was kinda weird but pretty good! 
But that's about it for this week! Got to spend a lot of time with really good friends and meet some new friends on the way. I hope your week is good! But I can promise it will be better if you make time to go to the temple :)

All my love, 
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: Friends from Zone Conference:)
We also went to the beach last week which is always fun:)
Full day with Sister Edmunds :)
Including the Boggus house
Sister Yuen and Sister Edmunds ❤

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Miracles Stacked on Miracles

Hello all! I hope your week was just as busy and amazing as ours was here in Boynton Beach! This week in our zone we made an emphasis on sharing miracles on our group chat whenever they happened. It's so cool to see how fast the work progresses when we are all united in the same cause of gathering Israel. I love being a missionary!! This week was full of miracles for sure.

Tuesday was pretty packed with meetings as usual. We had to plan a training that morning with the zone leaders and then we had a district council to head to so that took up the majority of our day. A cool miracle, Phillip came to Book of Mormon class! He is always pretty busy but made time to come and the members helped answer all of his questions. It was awesome!

Wednesday we had our district council and interviews with President Garns. I remember doing personal interviews with dad every once in a while and every time I have an interview with President Garns it reminds me of those :) Sister Dorlean wasn't feeling too great later that day so we stayed in the rest of the night. But we saw a cool miracle when we had returning member reach out to us saying he wants us to go by and reteach him and his wife all the lessons! I've never had such a request on my mission. They're awesome.

Thursday morning we had a cool miracle with our friend Zenaida!! We were planning on teaching her the Plan of Salvation but then she didn't remember much about the Restoration so we went over it again and shared a video that really helped. She is super Catholic but at the end of the lesson we invited her to church and she was really excited to come! After that we went to service at the food pantry and then met up with David and talked about the temple. We walked down Atlantic street and looked at some cool art galleries. Florida is awesome. We had another cool miracle that night when we had dinner with Kimberly. So, while we were teaching her, her daughter would always just stay in her room with her brand new baby and every once in a while would make a random appearance. Well, when we showed up Thursday night she stayed the entire lesson and had dinner with us and had some really cool questions! She is moving back to Oregon pretty soon but it was a cool miracle to see her heart soften a little. Kimberly is an awesome example to her family. 

Friday was packed with miracles! Our first lesson was with a referral named Maycee. She just moved here from Idaho and wanted the church in her life. We met her at the chapel with the Elders because she was YSA and we taught her the Restoration and gave her a chapel tour. Before we ended she basically told us that she wanted to get baptized soon so that was really cool. Later that day we went to see another referral from the Elders but she wasn't home. Luckily her friend Tameka was there and was open to the gospel! We taught her about the Book of Mormon and we're going back to see both of them this week. As soon as we left their house we got a referral and she lived right down the street. So, of course, off we went! Genice was on her way out but said she would wait for us to come. We were able to teach her about the Book of Mormon too! At this rate, everyone in Delray will have a Book of Mormon in no time! We had to drop our car off at the shop after that to get fixed so the sisters picked us up and took us to our meal appointment. After that we went to talk to people at Publix and while we were in the parking lot some guy called out to us. We were kinda sketched out but we walked over and he goes, "Are you guys Mormon?" We said yes and then he goes, "I know! Because I'm Mormon too!" Whaaaatt?? He had been less active for about 25 years simply because he couldn't ever find the church. Well, we gave him the address and he promised he would start coming back before the end of January.
So, it turns out that not long ago Sister Dorlean had a pretty gnarly bike crash and has some pretty cool scars from it now but that's why she refuses to ride a bike. So, thankfully, the sisters let us take their car on Saturday. We had to go help Brother McGee start packing his house. He's headed off to Texas by the beginning of February so we went over to help out. We weren't there for very long but got a lot of stuff done. Packing and moving has been a skill I've developed on my mission. Our miracle on Saturday was that around 4 o'clock we got a call saying our car was done! Less than 24 hours folks and we had our nice Nissan Rogue back. Because we had the sisters car we had to leave it there until we picked up the sisters later that night. We only got lost once trying to find them but we all made it home safe :)

Sunday was fun. During sacrament we talked all about temples. Please make the sacrifice of just two hours this week so someone else can have their eternity. Kimberly decided that we are all going to go to the temple on the 26th (my 18 month mark...) so we are all super excited for that!! That's a miracle because she works a lot and goes down to Miami to visit family a lot. Vivian also came to church. She always comes but she always complains about the little kids. We don't know what to do with her. We might just leave the Spirit to work with her for awhile. We tried to see our friend Moises but he was gone. His wife was super happy to see us though which was a first. She set up a time for us to come back which was also a miracle.

This week I want to invite you all to look for the miracles that come your way. It's easier to recognize them as you write them down. I promise that they are there whether you see them or not. Keep reading, keep praying, and go to the temple!! I love you all, keep being awesome :)

All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: The Haiti flag! We see it all over the place and Sister Dorlean always gets so excited to talk to them. Its super cool to hear her speak Creole all the time. We all got these Haiti bandannas from Sister Jensen's mum. Thank you!!

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

You have been baptized!!

Wow. This week has been a busy one. 

Wednesday started out with transfers. We had to head down early to drop off the sisters car to get fixed in the shop so we have been down a car all week a d ours has to go in this week so that's going to be fun! The remainder of Wednesday consisted of running errands to get Sister Ward all moved in. Sister Ward is awesome. She is from Logan and her big brother served with Shayne in Perth! We had dinner that night with our YW president. She made us these chocolate chip cookies with syrup. They were honestly pretty good. I was really surprised actually. We got home early that night so we could get our bikes all fixed up. Remember when I got hit by a car back in Sunrise? Well, we got a new tire and everything pretty quick but it is officially fixed now thanks to Elder Van Dyke and Elder Watkins. They're the best! 

Thursday was spent traveling to district councils. We used to have three districts in the zone and then last transfer they condensed it to two and now we are back to three! Our new district leader is Elder Mickelson. He is pretty awesome. After all the meetings were over we met up with David at Wakodahatchee park. Florida is the best. Let me tell you why. Next week is officially migration week which means the birds have started making their way down here! Which means we have a million birds down here right now. At this park that David took us to, all the birds were huge!! All sorts of cranes and certain things like that. It was so cool. I never seen so many big birds ever. As it started to get darker they started to come back and make themselves at home. The trees they were on were not very big though so it was fun to see them fight for places on the tree. 

Friday morning we woke up nice and early because we had MLC. Usually just the Zone Leaders and Sister Training Leaders go but this time they invited the District Leaders too so we had quite the group. We were there for the majority of the day. We just talked about how we can be better leaders and help uplift and inspire those around us at all times. I committed myself to help as many missionaries as I can before I go home because my time here is very limited. On our way home we picked up Sister Ward and Sister Dorlean and had to take the Camino sisters to the Tri-rail station. I love how many trains there are here in Florida. Maybe I'll be able to ride one before I go home. That would be fun. That night we had to meet up with the Elders to switch cars for a few days because our car doesn't have a bike rack so we couldn't really take the cars anywhere. Their car smelled so bad. So we took it upon ourselves to clean it for them and now it smells like Hawaiian flowers lol. They will be happy to get it back. 

Saturday we spent all morning at the church getting ready for Kimberly's baptism!!! She showed up around 11:30 and was so excited. Every one in a while a little tear would slide down her cheek because she was so happy. It was the cutest thing in the entire world. She was so happy all day long. Her husband Denis came too which was a miracle in itself. He hasn't been interested at all in the church but he kept asking a bunch of good questions so that was cool. Hopefully he catches on sooner than later and follows Kim's example. The baptism was amazing! Besides me trying to pluck out The Spirit of God on the piano last minute because I forgot to have someone come. But other than that it was great. We then went home and did some planning for our sisters and then Sister Dorlean and I had to take the Elders car in to get an oil change. We have just been taking care of so many things this week. We ended the night teaching Nick. He is so cool. He is always asking questions about missions and stuff. He went knocking with the Elders the other day and he's not even a member yet! He's such a cool miracle. 

Sunday was just as good as Saturday. Kimberly was already crying again by the time she got to the church because she was so happy. Her conformation was awesome and after sacrament meeting she just kept saying how happy she was. It was really nice to have two hour church but we didn't make it to class because Kimberly had her temple recommend interview and she wanted us to wait for her so we did. She was once again so ecstatic when she came out because she passed. Next step, the temple! She is really excited to be baptized for her grandma. We had dinner that night with some awesome members and David. For dessert they gave us these little bits of key lime pie dipped in chocolate. They were seriously soo good. I could've eaten the entire bowl if I wanted. But don't worry mum, I only had 3. That night Sister Jensen and I went out knocking and we saw the coolest miracle. We had just kinda been going door to door hopping around all these different complexes. And then we knocked into Teresa. She told us she was Catholic but then started crying and said she could really use a prayer. We went right in and prayed with her. She just came out of a really tough situation in her life and she said that us showing up at the time that we did was an answer to all her prayers and it helped her to know that God really was mindful of her and was watching over her. She had questions about the differences between our churches so we had the opportunity to teach her about the Book of Mormon. She was so excited to receive her own and start reading it. It was a really neat night for Sister Jensen and I and it helped me to know that when we follow the Spirit, God really will put us in the right place at the right time. 
I hope all of you back at home are having a great start to 2019. I invite you all to go on lds.org
and look up the video titled "New Year's: Look Not behind Thee". It's a really good video that talks about how we can look forward to what's to come. I hope you all have a great week this week. Read your scriptures, say your prayers, and please go to the temple! You will never regret taking the time to spend time in the House of the Lord. Have a great week!!
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: The birds from the park with David. They are huge! 
Plus your cute missionary 💕
Kimberly's Baptism ❤
The Linton North District 
(left to right) Elder Ruth, Elder Mickelsen, Elder Watkins, Elder Neff, Elder Van Dyke, Elder Affleck
Sister Ward, Sister Jensen, Me, Sister Dorlean

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Are you leaving us? No Chancho, I would never leave you.

Welcome to the year of 2019!! Starting it off right here in the FFLM with a brand new transfer. And with a new transfer starting that means I only have 6 weeks left of being a missionary. But we aren't going to think about that right now. We had a great week this week! 

Last Monday on Christmas Eve we went around trying to visit a bunch of people and singing Christmas songs to them. We are with Bishop that night which was a bad idea because we literally had so much food. I thought I was going to pop. For those of you who serve around Latins that make you eat everything, its not just the Latins! They all do it. But at least it was really good food. Then we ended the night at the chapel for an open house with the missionaries in the zone above us where we ate even more food and played some games to celebrate Christmas Eve. We read the story of Christ and sang Christmas hymns and the  headed home and opened out PJ's!

Christmas morning we got up nice and early to open presents :) thank you for all of the presents and cards and money! You all are the best!! We had a zone council that morning with some members from England that snow bird here. It was so fun to have the zone in one home and to have even more good food. Let's just say I didn't eat much on Wednesday cause I had so much food to digest. After having a White Elephant we headed up to the Jensen's to Skype!! It was fun to see all your cute faces and hear your voices!!! Christmas is the best. That night we had dinner with one of the Haitian members in our ward. I honestly have no idea what was going on all night because they were all speaking Creole but Sister Dorlean had fun which is all that matters :) the first Christmas away is always the hardest so we made it the best we could for her. Ah shes the best :)

Wednesday was a good day. We had a lesson with Sheryl and Nick. We taught them.the Plan of Salvation and helped answer questions. At the end we asked them what they thought about the church. Nick responded that he loved it and after his mum asked why, he testified of being able to feel the spirit and just feeling at home when he's there. It was a good lesson. That night was Kimberly's baptismal interview with Elder Watkins and Elder Neff and she passed! And then it took an hour just to fill out her form because she gets super distracted while talking and goes of on crazy tangents. But we got it done and shes ready to be baptized!

Thursday I spent the day in Palm Beach with Sister Valtriani on bikes. It made me honestly miss biking. We had so much fun! While we were visiting one of their recent converts it started pouring rain. We had another lesson to get to with their friend James so we started off in the rain! We weren't expecting it to rain that day because it was pretty that morning so we didn't have our jackets. But nothing was going to stop us! One bike crash and 25 minutes later, we showed up soaked to see James. He was nice enough to bring us towels and sweatshirts cause we were freezing. We cleaned off Sister Valtriani's bike that took a slide in some mud and taught him the last things he needed to be baptized on Saturday. We got some Subway with him and then headed back to the church. What was supposed to be a 20 minute bike ride somehow ended up taking an hour even though it only felt like 20 minutes. We think God is pranking us. We slept very well that night.

Friday was a roller coaster of a day. That morning we exchanged back and stopped by the chapel to grab a jumpsuit for Kimberly. Then we headed home and received a text from Kimberly saying she was on her way to the hospital. We called her and she has a heart condition that acted up during the night and her doctor told her she had to go in right away. We canceled the baptism and all day she kept us updated. They had to run some tests on her and get her the medication that she needed. She later told us that she would be out by the morning so we called the baptism on again and had everyone praying really hard that she would be okay. We had lunch with David and then did some studies and ended the night at the hospital with Kim. We went over the Plan of Salvation with her. Even though she was in a lot of pain she was still in high spirits and was so excited to get baptized. She knows it's the next step in her life and is so ready to take it.

Well, Saturday morning we woke up to a text that she was going to have to stay in the hospital another day. Her tests all came back good but she felt worse during the night so they had to bring in a cardiologist to look at her so she had to stay. So once again the baptism was called off. As we were studying I started to feel really sick (probably from all the food we ate this week) so I laid down and we stayed in the rest of the day cause I wasn't feeling any better. 

Sunday morning we headed to church and got a text from Nick saying he wanted to come to YSA that day! So we talked to the Elders and he rode his bike all the way there and not only did he stay for all 3 hours of church, but he stayed for the munch and mingle after and choir practice! We called the Elders to check in and asked him when he was going to get baptized and they had already talked about it during church and he had a date! Go Nick!! YSA is awesome. So hopefully after he gets baptized in YSA his mum will see how much she loves in and want to join him! After church that day we headed over to see Sona. She hurt her back this week so we went over and helped cleaned up Christmas. One of my favorite parts of being a missionary is seeing how much people progress in life as the live the Gospel in various degrees. Whether they are members or not, the Gospel blesses everyone. 

Yesterday was full of knocking doors and visiting people. We had to be in early so we filmed BBZ Newz. Basically it's all the news and updates we have in the Boynton Beach Zone but we send it out in a fun way. It was pretty funny. Then we had transfer calls! Sister Dorlean and I will be staying in Boynton Beach!!! Sister Wheeler is heading down to Miami but Sister Jensen will be staying and her new companion will be Sister Ward. 

We are all super excited for this new year and this new transfer. Setting goals is something you learn to get good at as a missionary and with it being the new year I invite you all to think of a goal you can set to come closer to your Savior Jesus Christ. Whether it's reading your scriptures more, praying more, going to the temple more, serving more, whatever it is. Just do it and stick to it. I hope you all have a great week! 

All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

We went sunrising this morning on the dock :)
Group Pic from Christmas Eve at the Hawkshaws 
Also a picture of us giving our training 
Sister Wheeler and I :)
Cute Christmas PJ's (this was the only non blurry pic we got lol)
BBZ Newz

One Day More!!

Well friends, the time has officially come. I don't know where the last 18 months went because I honestly feel like it's on...