Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Miracles Stacked on Miracles

Hello all! I hope your week was just as busy and amazing as ours was here in Boynton Beach! This week in our zone we made an emphasis on sharing miracles on our group chat whenever they happened. It's so cool to see how fast the work progresses when we are all united in the same cause of gathering Israel. I love being a missionary!! This week was full of miracles for sure.

Tuesday was pretty packed with meetings as usual. We had to plan a training that morning with the zone leaders and then we had a district council to head to so that took up the majority of our day. A cool miracle, Phillip came to Book of Mormon class! He is always pretty busy but made time to come and the members helped answer all of his questions. It was awesome!

Wednesday we had our district council and interviews with President Garns. I remember doing personal interviews with dad every once in a while and every time I have an interview with President Garns it reminds me of those :) Sister Dorlean wasn't feeling too great later that day so we stayed in the rest of the night. But we saw a cool miracle when we had returning member reach out to us saying he wants us to go by and reteach him and his wife all the lessons! I've never had such a request on my mission. They're awesome.

Thursday morning we had a cool miracle with our friend Zenaida!! We were planning on teaching her the Plan of Salvation but then she didn't remember much about the Restoration so we went over it again and shared a video that really helped. She is super Catholic but at the end of the lesson we invited her to church and she was really excited to come! After that we went to service at the food pantry and then met up with David and talked about the temple. We walked down Atlantic street and looked at some cool art galleries. Florida is awesome. We had another cool miracle that night when we had dinner with Kimberly. So, while we were teaching her, her daughter would always just stay in her room with her brand new baby and every once in a while would make a random appearance. Well, when we showed up Thursday night she stayed the entire lesson and had dinner with us and had some really cool questions! She is moving back to Oregon pretty soon but it was a cool miracle to see her heart soften a little. Kimberly is an awesome example to her family. 

Friday was packed with miracles! Our first lesson was with a referral named Maycee. She just moved here from Idaho and wanted the church in her life. We met her at the chapel with the Elders because she was YSA and we taught her the Restoration and gave her a chapel tour. Before we ended she basically told us that she wanted to get baptized soon so that was really cool. Later that day we went to see another referral from the Elders but she wasn't home. Luckily her friend Tameka was there and was open to the gospel! We taught her about the Book of Mormon and we're going back to see both of them this week. As soon as we left their house we got a referral and she lived right down the street. So, of course, off we went! Genice was on her way out but said she would wait for us to come. We were able to teach her about the Book of Mormon too! At this rate, everyone in Delray will have a Book of Mormon in no time! We had to drop our car off at the shop after that to get fixed so the sisters picked us up and took us to our meal appointment. After that we went to talk to people at Publix and while we were in the parking lot some guy called out to us. We were kinda sketched out but we walked over and he goes, "Are you guys Mormon?" We said yes and then he goes, "I know! Because I'm Mormon too!" Whaaaatt?? He had been less active for about 25 years simply because he couldn't ever find the church. Well, we gave him the address and he promised he would start coming back before the end of January.
So, it turns out that not long ago Sister Dorlean had a pretty gnarly bike crash and has some pretty cool scars from it now but that's why she refuses to ride a bike. So, thankfully, the sisters let us take their car on Saturday. We had to go help Brother McGee start packing his house. He's headed off to Texas by the beginning of February so we went over to help out. We weren't there for very long but got a lot of stuff done. Packing and moving has been a skill I've developed on my mission. Our miracle on Saturday was that around 4 o'clock we got a call saying our car was done! Less than 24 hours folks and we had our nice Nissan Rogue back. Because we had the sisters car we had to leave it there until we picked up the sisters later that night. We only got lost once trying to find them but we all made it home safe :)

Sunday was fun. During sacrament we talked all about temples. Please make the sacrifice of just two hours this week so someone else can have their eternity. Kimberly decided that we are all going to go to the temple on the 26th (my 18 month mark...) so we are all super excited for that!! That's a miracle because she works a lot and goes down to Miami to visit family a lot. Vivian also came to church. She always comes but she always complains about the little kids. We don't know what to do with her. We might just leave the Spirit to work with her for awhile. We tried to see our friend Moises but he was gone. His wife was super happy to see us though which was a first. She set up a time for us to come back which was also a miracle.

This week I want to invite you all to look for the miracles that come your way. It's easier to recognize them as you write them down. I promise that they are there whether you see them or not. Keep reading, keep praying, and go to the temple!! I love you all, keep being awesome :)

All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: The Haiti flag! We see it all over the place and Sister Dorlean always gets so excited to talk to them. Its super cool to hear her speak Creole all the time. We all got these Haiti bandannas from Sister Jensen's mum. Thank you!!

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