Monday, March 26, 2018

The "Kissing Sailor"

Hello everyone!! This week has been one full of faith and full of fun times as a missionary. 

Tuesday we had Zone Conference! Extra spiritual high from having the mission conference with Elder Uchtdorf just 3 days earlier. We talked a lot about faith and how important it is to have faith in everything that we do. Not just as missionaries but individually as disciples of Christ. We talked about the three elements of faith which are 1) What you really believe in your heart 2) Positive words that are full of faith and 3) Actions that show faith, not just words. We know that it is by these three principles that miracles happen. As we show our faith to every person we see, they will see our faith and our determination to help them come unto Christ. We also talked about how much power is in the scriptures. Scripture Power is not just a primary song, it is a real thing. Scriptures bring a testimony and witness that sometimes we just can't convey ourselves. They were given to us not just to read but to use to share with every single person that we talk with every single day.
Wednesday was a pretty normal day besides the fact that we went out with faith. We testified to every single person that we saw and used the scriptures at every contact. The Lord is testing us because we didn't quite find anybody. Sister Reidhead said it best when she quoted Nacho Libre and said, "People don't think I know a buttload of crap about the Gospel, but I doo." We then decided that Nacho Libre should be an approved missionary movie. We had our Book of Mormon class that night which was really fun. We didn't have a lot of people there because most of them had work but it was still a good class nonetheless. I invite anyone reading this, if you haven't read the Book of Mormon yet today, stop reading this and go pick up your scriptures and read them. I would rather have you read that than this. But then come back and read because Thursday was a great day.
Thursday we had been knocking for a bit and no one would really listen to us or if they did they just wanted to bash with us. Well we were walking up to a house and an old man comes outside and asked if we were there to talk to him to which we responded yes! He quickly told us his name and asked if we knew him. We said no because we had literally just met him. He told us he was famous and told us to take a seat and that he would be right back with a picture for each of us. We sat down and as he came back out and started talking about the two pictures that went famous after WWII ended. The one of the soldiers lifting the flag on the hill and the one of the soldier kissing the nurse on the corner of Broadway and 42nd St. in times square. He then turns the picture around and we saw the "Kissing Soldier" picture and he goes, "That is me when I was 18 years old on VJ-Day right after WWII. He then told us his story and signed pictures for us for free and took pictures with us and then sent us on our way. This guys is the real deal. He even gave us articles to prove that it was him. Pretty cool if you ask me.
On Friday we had a sisterhood lunch which was a lot of fun. We are all pretty new so it was fun to get to know some more sisters. Then we went and helped a lady from St. Thomas move all of her stuff onto a truck so she can take it to Kentucky or something like that. She was way cool and some pretty cool stuff. She bought us pizza, we shared a prayer, and then we had a district blitz. I got to knock doors with Sister Dees. I was with her during the Hurricane so it was fun to be real missionaries with her. I am excited to be living with her this transfer. 
Not a lot happened on Saturday. We knocked for about 3 hours to no avail. But we still had faith and know that we are doing what the Lord wants us to do. That night we had dinner with Claudio at Panda Express. Then as we were heading home, a baby (like seriously tiny) grasshopper ended up in our car. It could hop. Let me tell you. We started to freak out so we had to pull over so we could take care of it cause we could not focus. Oh fun times. 
Yesterday we taught Gospel Principles. We talked about Christ's Atonement and why he did what he did and what that means to us. With Easter coming up I think it is so important to not only remember that he died for us but that he lived again. And because he lives we will have the chance to live again. I know that's true. It's what I tell people every day. I am so grateful for my Savior and all that he did and does do for me every single day. I am so glad to be here in Florida and I hope as Easter and General Conference are fast approaching that you can remember the life of Jesus Christ and everything that he did for us. Go to Conference with a question in mind on who to better yourselves every day because of Christ and I promise you will feel more joy every single day. I hope you all are doing well. I love you and hope this week is awesome. Go to the temple. Say your prayers. Read your scriptures. 
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: Hopper. This guy was seriously so small but gave us a good ending to a not super awesome day.

Penny's side note - Shayne and I were laughing at this picture and Shayne said, "She really is a Disney Princess except she doesn't get cute birds and woodland creatures to come play with, she gets grasshoppers, iguanas, and frogs!"  Which is so true.  Sophie will NOT kill a spider if she finds on in the house.  She will pick it up and take it outside.  I think they like her too much.  Sophie says that she's more like Princess Tiana, chillin in the Bayou.  Then she told us...It really is a party down here. Sister Reidhead saw her first iguana the other day and freaked out but it was a pretty small one. I can't wait for her to see a full grown one. They are ginormous!  Hahaha. She is pretty cute. We see lizards all the time so as soon as we saw it just stopped dead in her tracks and just goes "I'm going to pee my pants!" It was so funny. I almost peed from laughing so hard. We also see snakes all the time and she freezes up and we have to go the other way. We are going to try to find some big guys this week to show her what Florida is really all about. It is getting warmer so they are starting to come out more. 

Kissing Soldier
On our way to zone conference

 Penny's side note - This top picture I got from a random stranger.  The bottom ones Claudio sent me.  I love when that happens.  I'm so glad that she is in good hands.
Panda Express
 Dinner at Claudio's

Monday, March 19, 2018

Jesus Christ Loves You

Hello from the warm and bright Sunshine State!! The weather is getting warmer over here and we have been soaking it all in! The Missionary work has also been work and fun all at the same time.

Tuesday night we celebrated one last night with Sister Noftle before she headed home after 18 months. All of my friends are leaving but it has been so fun to get to know so many more missionaries. We had Cheesecake Factory that night thanks to Claudio :) He is the best. 
Wednesday was transfer day. Sister Reidhead and I get to stay together for at least 6 more weeks so we didn't have to go to transfers. We did have to go to the office anyway though because the new phone we got for Sister Reidhead hasn't been working so we took it in to have them look at it. In the mean time we got to say hi to a lot of people that I haven't seen for a couple of months. It was a lot of fun. After trying a million different things to fix the phone we decided to leave it with them and go out and work. We knocked and knocked and knocked and then went to the chapel for Activity days with the primary kids. March is their missionary month so we went to go tell them what it is like to be a missionary and what it is that we do every single day for 18 months. It was pretty fun! Then we had Book of Mormon class that night. I love when new members point out things in chapters that I have never noticed before. It really just goes to show that we need to humble ourselves and read every day because you will always find new things to learn.
Thursday morning we had District Training. We have a new District Leader this transfer so it is going to be a lot of fun. We talked all about faith. When we went home and did our studies I read an article in this month's Ensign that talks about how the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. It was only an 11 day journey from Mount Sinai to the promised land but because they had a lack of faith in the delivering power of the Lord, they wandered for 40 years. As people in these Latter Days it is so important that we have faith in even the smallest of things. And when we see miracles happen we need to remember how the Lord will always help us. The Israelites had seen miracle after miracle. So did Laman and Lemuel. But their attitude is what kept them from progressing. They believe in Christ, but they do not believe Christ. Each of us every day need to remember that in order for Christ to be on our side, we have to trust him every single day. Ask yourselves, “In what things am I taking 40 years to accomplish an 11-day task?” And then change. I promise the Lord will help you as you do this. Funny story time: that night as we were driving to visit our friend Bill we stopped at a red light. Now, Sister Reidhead is from tiny little Heber, Arizona and isn't quite used to stop lights and has only been driving for 2 days here in Florida at this point. Well, after sitting at the red light for about 3 minutes, Sister Reidhead just starts driving forward. I informed her that the light was still red and she just proceeded to go forth. Luckily, there were no cars and we made it through safely with no cops in sight. Once we were on the other side of the intersection, we had to pull over because we were crying from laughing so hard at what had just happened. I think there are sometimes in life we are just figuratively waiting for the light to turn green so we can go when really the Lord wants us to take a leap of faith and trust that it will all be okay with his help. Now I am not saying to  go ahead and run a red light, but I am saying take that leap of faith. If it seems far, I promise you that the Lord is strong and he will catch you if you fall short. He is just over their waiting. 
Friday was just a normal day in missionary life. We knocked on doors for 3 hours and didn't find anyone but we know the Lord is trusting us so we just need to trust him. We know that no matter what happens, as long as we do what the spirit tells us, we are doing what is right. That night we ate with our members the Malinconicos. They are a pretty new couple fresh off their missions and are super fun. They made us corn beef and cabbage in celebration of St. Patricks day. I have never had that meal before so it was fun to try it for my first time.
Saturday was a big day for the FFLM. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a prophet, seer, and revelator, came and spoke to us :) It was the first time in the mission's history that we have had all of the missionaries in one place at one time. It was magic. Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the presidency of the 70 was there as well as Elder Thompson. Lets just say that the spirit that day was something else. We, as missionaries, are literally an extended arm of the 12 apostles so it was so cool to be standing side by side with one. And get to shake his hand :) He talked a lot about missionary work and it was a lot of things we needed to hear. My favorite thing he said was "Don't change the message, but expect the message to change you." I think that applies to all of us. Don't change what the Lord has done but expect it to change you. That day we, all 180 of us missionaries, stood and recited our missionary purpose together. The spirit hit us like a ton of bricks. It was so cool. At the end of his talk, Elder Uchtdorf simply said, "I know Jesus Christ and I know that he loves you. He loves you." My friends and family, the prophet and apostles know Christ just like your leaders know the Stake President. Christ really loves each and every one of us. Not just his missionaries. When the apostles tell us that Christ loves us at General Conference coming up, I want you to picture them standing face to face with him and picture Christ saying it himself. He loves us. When our 2 hours were up with Elder Uchtdorf, we stood and sang Armies of Helaman together. If you ever get a random chance to hear missionaries sing that song together, take it. There was not a dry eye in the room. Probably one of my favorite days on the mission thus far.
Sunday is always one of my favorite days as well. We had one of the high councilmen come and speak to us. He talked about how perfection is pending. It is not something that all of a sudden pops up. The gardener doesn't get mad at the seed for not becoming a flower straight away. It takes some time and the gardeners know that. Just keep doing what it is you need to do to break out of the ground, grow a bud, and sprout into what the Lord knows you can be. That night we went to go visit a referral who lives in a locked complex. We had faith someone would show up. After 6 people showing up to the other building we took a walk around to see if there were other doors to no avail. Just as we were about to leave, someone came. The referral wasn't home but we decided to knock inside for a bit since we got in and we were able to find two new friends that we are excited to go back and teach. 
I love this gospel. I love everything that comes with it. I am so happy that I get to be a missionary and help every person I see everyday to feel the Spirit. I love you all and hope life is good back at home. Keep praying. Keep reading your scriptures. Keep going to the temple. Keep being awesome. 
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: This picture was taken a while ago but these mini libraries are all over. We always stop and stick a Book of Mormon in. It makes us happy when we notice they get taken :)
Us at Cheesecake Factory on Sister Noftle's last night all thanks to Claudio :)
On our way to Mission Conference!
Sister Reidhead and I waiting for someone to show up so we can follow them into the locked apartment complex and find new friends!

A fat piece of cheesecake from the cheesecake factory
Our matching Florida shirts in front of the American Flag of course :)


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Transfer 6

Hello big beautiful world and all the people living under the sun! It has been a great week here in the Sunrise area with my awesome companion Sister Reidhead in the FFLM (best mission in the world).  

Last Monday we misplaced Sister Reidhead's phone at Walmart and went on a wild goose chase trying to find it with no avail so we had to buy her a new one that is now being dumb and not turning on but no one has a perfect mission right? We also found out on Monday that it is spring break here in Ft. Lauderdale and there are literally a million people on the beach. We can't go anywhere.
Tuesday morning started out with a zone training. We talked a lot about faith and how we have to have faith filled words when we teach people so we and the people we talk to will more fully believe the things we tell them. We are representatives of the Lord. He is the Shepherd and we are his voice. We have to do everything we can to make sure everyone hears his voice. It is a big responsibility but there is nothing I would rather be doing. That night we met with Shernette and her mom Marcia who is not a member. She made us ox tail and rice and we taught her the Plan of Salvation. She really liked it. Now the hard part is getting her to come to church. But we have faith she will come. The ox tail was super good. 
Wednesday morning I woke up with a super bad migraine that I had had for a couple of days but was just trying to fight through and keep working. Well, I finally figured I just needed to sleep and get rid of it so we had to take a sick day. But boy did it help. Sometimes we have to help ourselves before we can go out and help other people. The Lord needs the best from every single one of us. When I was laying in bed I was reading a conference talk from Saturday Morning session from October by Elder Uchtdorf called "A Yearning For Home." One of my favorite parts was, "How encouraging it is to know, though we are imperfect, if our hearts are turned to God, He will be generous and kind and use us for his purposes." I have a testimony that God qualifies the unqualified as long as we are willing to let it change us. The mission changes people but only if they let it. We have to always, not just on a mission, be willing to submit to the Lord's will even if we think it will be hard. 
Thursday morning we had breakfast at a member's house. Last time we ate with her she made us try grits. Not my favorite. Actually, I didn't like them one bit. I was scared to go back but this time she made us bacon and eggs. What more could you need. We went to the chapel later that day to work on some stuff on the phone and when we left, we got to the car and I realized that I didn't have the keys. Then I realized they were locked inside the Family History Center locked inside the church and we were locked out of our car. So we called the Elders who were luckily not far away and they let us in and saved the day. We have learned this week to always make sure we have everything before we leave anywhere. That night we had dinner with Claudio at Ihop. Always a great time. We are so grateful for him and all that he does for us. 
Friday was a pretty normal day in the life of a missionary. Did our studies, taught some lessons, gave Sister Tyrrell a hair cut. All good things. All fun times.
Saturday was the first rainy day in Florida that we have had in a very long time. I loved it!! It was Sister Reidhead's first. But unfortunately it came out of nowhere so we didn't have our umbrellas with us. But earlier while knocking we found a lady who wasn't interested but her brother was a Mormon so she was very nice to us. Once it started to rain 10 minutes later she drove around to find us and gave us an umbrella. I love meeting nice people every day. We had a lesson with Jamie after that. She is doing so great and is looking forward to being baptized this week. We are so excited for her and proud of all that she has overcome to get to this point. 
Sunday was a normal Sunday. Bill surprised us at church again. He really likes it but he really likes his Baptist church too. So we are still trying to figure out how to help him but all is going well. That night we went to visit a less active family. It was a good talk to build a friendship to help them want to come back. We mostly talked about Disney World and I found out that it is way cheaper to go if you are a Florida resident. Good to know.
Yesterday was another good rainy day! But just long enough to welcome the humidity back to Florida. I have honestly missed it a little bit. It is good to have it back. That night we had pub subs on the docks with the Sisters. We got a little lost but Sister Reidhead got it all figured out and we had a great time. We had an FHE with the recent converts to end the night. We talked about prophets and the upcoming General Conference that I hope you all are preparing for and coming up with questions. We are all super excited over here. We said our goodbyes to Elder Peterson because he will be transferring and we headed home. We had our transfer call later that night. Sister Reidhead and I will be staying together another transfer and we are so excited and ready for what the Lord has in store for us in the next 6 weeks. 
I love it here in Florida. I love the Lord and his work. I love you all. Keep being awesome. Keep going to the temple, reading your scriptures, and saying your prayers. I promise as you do those things the Lord will bless you in ways you can't even imagine.
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine: Our cute little casa! It is a whole bunch of bright colors and just makes a missionaries day.
 The canals we walk by all the time. They are everywhere here.Last p-day Claudio sent all 4 of us girls to get our nails done. It was so sweet of him and we had a great time. Also, we got buffalo wild wings. Always a good time.

 Rainy days in Florida are starting up again! Calls for some cute umbrella pics!
 Pub Subs on the dock. We got lost trying to find this place but it all worked out.
Your cute Sister Missionary 😊
 Our FHE.  This is Sister Wilson and her daughter.  She is a recent convert and her daughter who is just 16 wants to serve a mission.  It is very exciting. 

Monday, March 5, 2018

Not Today Satan!

 Wow. This week has just been a great one. We are already moving on to week 6 of this transfer and it makes me sad to think that I only have one transfer left with my sweet little trainee Sister Reidhead. We have just been loving the work here. 

On Tuesday we had full day exchanges with the sisters. I got to leave my area and spend the day in Ft. Laud English.  It was a crazy day. We started the day at District Training and talked all about love.  Everything in this world and especially in missionary work comes back to love. The love we have for ourselves, for others, for the work, and most importantly for God. When we love our Savior we will be willing to do anything he asks of us. We went out to visit some people after that but no one was home and most of our plans were just falling through. We did talk to one lady for a few minutes and gave us some soda that "will make you go burp burp burp!" We laughed pretty hard.  After a lesson we had we went to go knock doors.  I had been pretty down on myself lately and having everything fall through that day was not helping. The first door we knocked on got mad at us for walking on his property. The next door: we knocked, she opened, we introduced ourselves, and she said, "Not today Satan!!" and literally slammed the door.  I thought to myself, "You're right. Not today Satan." Then we laughed as we left and went and got dinner instead.  It was a good reminder to me that day to not let Satan ruin our day. 

Wednesday was a pretty normal day in the life of missionary work. That night for dinner Sister Reidhead tried to make banana pancakes that ended up looking like mush but tasted good nonetheless. We headed to Book of Mormon class after that. Not a lot of people came but we still had a good night and got through quite a bit of Isaiah. After class Shernette pulled us aside and told us about an experience she had during the week. She had been having a rough time and really wasn't in the mood for God when she got a call from her Visiting Teacher.  She said by the end of their 10 minute conversation they were both crying and she felt so much better. She testified that those callings are inspired.  So my invitation is, if you haven't done your home teaching or visiting teaching yet this month, do it now!! It's a new month.  Don't wait until the end of the month to get it out of the way.  Listen to the spirit and I promise you will help someone who is struggling.  

Thursday we started to make some flashcards to help us start to memorize more scriptures. As we went about our day we were constantly trying to learn them and use them whenever we could. We definitely saw how as we focused on principles we found more opportunities throughout the day to use them and testify of the truths that we know. We have also noticed that we have become more sensitive to the scriptures as we read them and find times during the day to apply our personal study which has been cool to see and grow a testimony of.  I know that the scriptures have been given to us to use every day of our lives and it is an ongoing path of learning and growing every day as we read them. 
Friday morning we had our normal studies and then went to service.  I was in a box trying to get some cans out of the bottom that no one could reach and a fat cockroach just started climbing up the side of the box.  I only freaked a little and then it was a fight to it's death.  It was huge and I didn't want to step on it so I used the smaller box that was in the big box with me.  I smashed it like 12 times and thought I had come out victorious.  But then 5 minutes later I go to look at it and it was gone.  Jokes on me. Then I turn around and it is climbing up the other side of the box.  Moral of the story, cockroaches in So Flo are more indestructible than a Nikia phone and there is nothing we can do about it. That night while we were knocking I had a proud mom moment when Sister Reidhead totally took over a lesson and just knew exactly what to say. She also figured the guy wasn't interested, ended the lesson, and politely told him goodbye.  I was so proud of her. *tear* But about 15 minutes later we were walking up to a house when we see a side winder snake pass in front of us. Sister Reidhead almost peed her pants and I almost peed my pants for laughing. Ah good times as a missionary.

Saturday we had a lesson with Jamie. We went over a lot of stuff but she is just so excited to be baptized and we are excited for her.  She had her last cigarette that day and is looking forward to getting baptized on Sunday the 11th!! We are so stoked for her. We went over to Shernette's house later and we sat down and Shernette told us she wanted to give us a lesson so she started with a prayer, we read James 2, she testified of faith, and told us she wanted her Patriarchal Blessing. We were so happy.  It has been so fun to see new converts progress in the church. Probably one of my favorite parts about missionary work.  So my second commitment to you all, if you haven't had your Patriarchal Blessing, please consider it and talk to your Heavenly Father about it. I have seen it help me so much out here in Florida. That night we had dinner with the Sisters on Las Olas in downtown Ft. Laud. They were having an art show down there so it was fun to walk down the street to get some ice cream.  Las Olas is definitely a place you have to go to if you ever visit Ft. Lauderdale. 

Church yesterday was awesome. We had our investigator Bill show up out of nowhere which was cool. We weren't really expecting him but now I know to expect the unexpected. He loved it and can't wait to come back next week. We taught Gospel Principles again last minute on the sacrament and the importance of taking it each week. I know that we are cleansed through taking it every week. Then after church we came home and made a box of cigarettes for Jamie. We took 30 little pieces of paper and wrote down our favorite strengthening scriptures and then rolled them up and stuck then in a little cigarette box we made with a picture of Christ on it (thanks Uncle Jared!). We took it over to her and explained that if she is ever stressed and wants to smoke that she needs to use one of ours and read a scripture. We all know that it is going to help her and she can't wait till next Sunday!! 

That's about it for this week. Lots of changes have been happening at home. Josh has his call to Canada and dad is now in the Stake Presidency! The love I have in my heart right now for everyone at home is explainable. I am so proud of you all and love you all more than I can say. Keep being awesome and keep doing the things the Lord would have you do. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6. Go to the temple, read your scriptures, say your prayers. I love you all!!

All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: God Is Good. 
We went to Las Olas last week for P-day. They are getting ready for volleyball champs here.
 Pics from the beach.
Elephants in the Natural Geographic Art Room. 
Only time we can be on the sand

 Ice cream on Las Olas!! 
Also, our cigarette box we made for Jamie with scriptures inside.

 Penny's side note- I love this picture!  It sums her up perfectly.  Her scripture's, her Sweetart candies, her Conch Shell from  Hurricane Irma and creativity, her love of Christ and family with this amazing box for her investigator brings me to tears.

One Day More!!

Well friends, the time has officially come. I don't know where the last 18 months went because I honestly feel like it's on...