Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Transfer 6

Hello big beautiful world and all the people living under the sun! It has been a great week here in the Sunrise area with my awesome companion Sister Reidhead in the FFLM (best mission in the world).  

Last Monday we misplaced Sister Reidhead's phone at Walmart and went on a wild goose chase trying to find it with no avail so we had to buy her a new one that is now being dumb and not turning on but no one has a perfect mission right? We also found out on Monday that it is spring break here in Ft. Lauderdale and there are literally a million people on the beach. We can't go anywhere.
Tuesday morning started out with a zone training. We talked a lot about faith and how we have to have faith filled words when we teach people so we and the people we talk to will more fully believe the things we tell them. We are representatives of the Lord. He is the Shepherd and we are his voice. We have to do everything we can to make sure everyone hears his voice. It is a big responsibility but there is nothing I would rather be doing. That night we met with Shernette and her mom Marcia who is not a member. She made us ox tail and rice and we taught her the Plan of Salvation. She really liked it. Now the hard part is getting her to come to church. But we have faith she will come. The ox tail was super good. 
Wednesday morning I woke up with a super bad migraine that I had had for a couple of days but was just trying to fight through and keep working. Well, I finally figured I just needed to sleep and get rid of it so we had to take a sick day. But boy did it help. Sometimes we have to help ourselves before we can go out and help other people. The Lord needs the best from every single one of us. When I was laying in bed I was reading a conference talk from Saturday Morning session from October by Elder Uchtdorf called "A Yearning For Home." One of my favorite parts was, "How encouraging it is to know, though we are imperfect, if our hearts are turned to God, He will be generous and kind and use us for his purposes." I have a testimony that God qualifies the unqualified as long as we are willing to let it change us. The mission changes people but only if they let it. We have to always, not just on a mission, be willing to submit to the Lord's will even if we think it will be hard. 
Thursday morning we had breakfast at a member's house. Last time we ate with her she made us try grits. Not my favorite. Actually, I didn't like them one bit. I was scared to go back but this time she made us bacon and eggs. What more could you need. We went to the chapel later that day to work on some stuff on the phone and when we left, we got to the car and I realized that I didn't have the keys. Then I realized they were locked inside the Family History Center locked inside the church and we were locked out of our car. So we called the Elders who were luckily not far away and they let us in and saved the day. We have learned this week to always make sure we have everything before we leave anywhere. That night we had dinner with Claudio at Ihop. Always a great time. We are so grateful for him and all that he does for us. 
Friday was a pretty normal day in the life of a missionary. Did our studies, taught some lessons, gave Sister Tyrrell a hair cut. All good things. All fun times.
Saturday was the first rainy day in Florida that we have had in a very long time. I loved it!! It was Sister Reidhead's first. But unfortunately it came out of nowhere so we didn't have our umbrellas with us. But earlier while knocking we found a lady who wasn't interested but her brother was a Mormon so she was very nice to us. Once it started to rain 10 minutes later she drove around to find us and gave us an umbrella. I love meeting nice people every day. We had a lesson with Jamie after that. She is doing so great and is looking forward to being baptized this week. We are so excited for her and proud of all that she has overcome to get to this point. 
Sunday was a normal Sunday. Bill surprised us at church again. He really likes it but he really likes his Baptist church too. So we are still trying to figure out how to help him but all is going well. That night we went to visit a less active family. It was a good talk to build a friendship to help them want to come back. We mostly talked about Disney World and I found out that it is way cheaper to go if you are a Florida resident. Good to know.
Yesterday was another good rainy day! But just long enough to welcome the humidity back to Florida. I have honestly missed it a little bit. It is good to have it back. That night we had pub subs on the docks with the Sisters. We got a little lost but Sister Reidhead got it all figured out and we had a great time. We had an FHE with the recent converts to end the night. We talked about prophets and the upcoming General Conference that I hope you all are preparing for and coming up with questions. We are all super excited over here. We said our goodbyes to Elder Peterson because he will be transferring and we headed home. We had our transfer call later that night. Sister Reidhead and I will be staying together another transfer and we are so excited and ready for what the Lord has in store for us in the next 6 weeks. 
I love it here in Florida. I love the Lord and his work. I love you all. Keep being awesome. Keep going to the temple, reading your scriptures, and saying your prayers. I promise as you do those things the Lord will bless you in ways you can't even imagine.
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine: Our cute little casa! It is a whole bunch of bright colors and just makes a missionaries day.
 The canals we walk by all the time. They are everywhere here.Last p-day Claudio sent all 4 of us girls to get our nails done. It was so sweet of him and we had a great time. Also, we got buffalo wild wings. Always a good time.

 Rainy days in Florida are starting up again! Calls for some cute umbrella pics!
 Pub Subs on the dock. We got lost trying to find this place but it all worked out.
Your cute Sister Missionary 😊
 Our FHE.  This is Sister Wilson and her daughter.  She is a recent convert and her daughter who is just 16 wants to serve a mission.  It is very exciting. 

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