Hello from the warm and bright Sunshine State!! The weather is getting
warmer over here and we have been soaking it all in! The Missionary work
has also been work and fun all at the same time.
Tuesday night we celebrated one last night with Sister Noftle
before she headed home after 18 months. All of my friends are leaving
but it has been so fun to get to know so many more missionaries. We had
Cheesecake Factory that night thanks to Claudio :) He is the best.
Wednesday was transfer day. Sister Reidhead and I get to stay
together for at least 6 more weeks so we didn't have to go to transfers.
We did have to go to the office anyway though because the new phone we
got for Sister Reidhead hasn't been working so we took it in to have
them look at it. In the mean time we got to say hi to a lot of people
that I haven't seen for a couple of months. It was a lot of fun. After
trying a million different things to fix the phone we decided to leave
it with them and go out and work. We knocked and knocked and knocked and
then went to the chapel for Activity days with the primary kids. March
is their missionary month so we went to go tell them what it is like to
be a missionary and what it is that we do every single day for 18
months. It was pretty fun! Then we had Book of Mormon class that night. I
love when new members point out things in chapters that I have never
noticed before. It really just goes to show that we need to humble
ourselves and read every day because you will always find new things to
Thursday morning we had District Training. We have a new District
Leader this transfer so it is going to be a lot of fun. We talked all
about faith. When we went home and did our studies I read an article in
this month's Ensign that talks about how the Israelites wandered in the
wilderness for 40 years. It was only an 11 day journey from Mount Sinai
to the promised land but because they had a lack of faith in the
delivering power of the Lord, they wandered for 40 years. As people in
these Latter Days it is so important that we have faith in even the
smallest of things. And when we see miracles happen we need to remember
how the Lord will always help us. The Israelites had seen miracle after
miracle. So did Laman and Lemuel. But their attitude is what kept them
from progressing. They believe in Christ, but they do not believe
Christ. Each of us every day need to remember that in order for Christ
to be on our side, we have to trust him every single day. Ask
yourselves, “In what things am I taking 40 years to accomplish an 11-day
task?” And then change. I promise the Lord will help you as you do
this. Funny story time: that night as we were driving to visit our
friend Bill we stopped at a red light. Now, Sister Reidhead is from tiny
little Heber, Arizona and isn't quite used to stop lights and has only
been driving for 2 days here in Florida at this point. Well, after
sitting at the red light for about 3 minutes, Sister Reidhead just
starts driving forward. I informed her that the light was still red and
she just proceeded to go forth. Luckily, there were no cars and we made
it through safely with no cops in sight. Once we were on the other side
of the intersection, we had to pull over because we were crying from
laughing so hard at what had just happened. I think there are sometimes
in life we are just figuratively waiting for the light to turn green so
we can go when really the Lord wants us to take a leap of faith and
trust that it will all be okay with his help. Now I am not saying to go
ahead and run a red light, but I am saying take that leap of faith. If
it seems far, I promise you that the Lord is strong and he will catch
you if you fall short. He is just over their waiting.
Friday was just a normal day in missionary life. We knocked on
doors for 3 hours and didn't find anyone but we know the Lord is
trusting us so we just need to trust him. We know that no matter what
happens, as long as we do what the spirit tells us, we are doing what is
right. That night we ate with our members the Malinconicos. They are a
pretty new couple fresh off their missions and are super fun. They made
us corn beef and cabbage in celebration of St. Patricks day. I have
never had that meal before so it was fun to try it for my first time.
Saturday was a big day for the FFLM. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a
prophet, seer, and revelator, came and spoke to us :) It was the first
time in the mission's history that we have had all of the missionaries
in one place at one time. It was magic. Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the
presidency of the 70 was there as well as Elder Thompson. Lets just say
that the spirit that day was something else. We, as missionaries, are
literally an extended arm of the 12 apostles so it was so cool to be
standing side by side with one. And get to shake his hand :) He talked a
lot about missionary work and it was a lot of things we needed to hear.
My favorite thing he said was "Don't change the message, but expect the
message to change you." I think that applies to all of us. Don't change
what the Lord has done but expect it to change you. That day we, all
180 of us missionaries, stood and recited our missionary purpose
together. The spirit hit us like a ton of bricks. It was so cool. At the
end of his talk, Elder Uchtdorf simply said, "I know Jesus Christ and I
know that he loves you. He loves you." My friends and family, the
prophet and apostles know Christ just like your leaders know the Stake
President. Christ really loves each and every one of us. Not just his
missionaries. When the apostles tell us that Christ loves us at General
Conference coming up, I want you to picture them standing face to face
with him and picture Christ saying it himself. He loves us. When our 2
hours were up with Elder Uchtdorf, we stood and sang Armies of Helaman
together. If you ever get a random chance to hear missionaries sing that
song together, take it. There was not a dry eye in the room. Probably
one of my favorite days on the mission thus far.
Sunday is always one of my favorite days as well. We had one of the
high councilmen come and speak to us. He talked about how perfection is
pending. It is not something that all of a sudden pops up. The gardener
doesn't get mad at the seed for not becoming a flower straight away. It
takes some time and the gardeners know that. Just keep doing what it is
you need to do to break out of the ground, grow a bud, and sprout into
what the Lord knows you can be. That night we went to go visit a
referral who lives in a locked complex. We had faith someone would show
up. After 6 people showing up to the other building we took a walk
around to see if there were other doors to no avail. Just as we were
about to leave, someone came. The referral wasn't home but we decided to
knock inside for a bit since we got in and we were able to find two new
friends that we are excited to go back and teach.
I love this gospel. I love everything that comes with it. I am so
happy that I get to be a missionary and help every person I see everyday
to feel the Spirit. I love you all and hope life is good back at home.
Keep praying. Keep reading your scriptures. Keep going to the temple.
Keep being awesome.
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand
Florida Sunshine: This picture was taken a while ago but these mini
libraries are all over. We always stop and stick a Book of Mormon in.
It makes us happy when we notice they get taken :)
Us at Cheesecake Factory on Sister Noftle's last night all thanks to Claudio :)
On our way to Mission Conference!
Sister Reidhead and I waiting for someone to show up so
we can follow them into the locked apartment complex and find new
A fat piece of cheesecake from the cheesecake factory
Our matching Florida shirts in front of the American Flag of course :)
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