Monday, October 1, 2018


Hi everyone! As the mission moves on, time gets faster, we get busier, and for some reason ever week just feels like I have less to talk about. 

Tuesday we had a million lessons lined up it seemed like and they all fell through. So we spent a lot of time on campus just talking to a million people instead! Sadly, no cool miracles. We had dinner with our member Michael that night. His mom made us split pea soup and it was honestly really good. I enjoyed it. I love spending dinners with our members. They all just have so much to offer and I learn so many cool things from them. I'm going to be literally so sad if I have to leave next week. 

Wednesday we spent a lot of time at the University of Miami and Miami Dade talking to people. We had a lesson with our friend Unice that day at MDC. She had a speech practice thing she had to go to so we taught her about the Book of Mormon a little more and how she can pray to know it's true. We had dinner with the one and only Grant Palacio at 5 Guys. The people there recognize us now because we go so often. It's pretty fun haha. Maybe one of these days they will come to church. We had institute that night and let me tell you, I know I say this a lot but I love institute! The course we are in right now is all about Jesus Christ and I have learned so many things. We talked about our premortal relationship with Him and He's just literally the ultimate big brother. I love him so much.

Thursday, honestly not a lot happened. We had interviews with President Garns and District council. We went to both to be with the other sisters as well and that took up most of our day. President Garns always knows exactly what I need to hear without me having to ask. He's so inspired. I hope when I grow up I'm as in tune with the Spirit as he is. It's so cool. We had a Blitz that night with our district and Sister Hammond and I got so scared a couple different times. One time a guy was coming around the side of his house and we couldn't hear each other and then we almost ran into him. Best part, he had a hand full of hangers that he was ready to use to fight us off. Definitely put us on our toes but we were all laughing pretty hard at the situation. 

Friday morning we had a Blitz at Miami Dade. It's getting harder to have the Elders come help us because they stick out like a sore thumb in their white shirts and ties on campus and they get kicked off pretty quick. We have no idea how the Elders serving in YSA up north don't get kicked off their campuses. It's a little frustrating but we'll figure it out. The best part of the day was our lesson with Sharae!!(that rhymed lol) She had us meet her by the intramural field so we did. Only problem, the band was there practicing their field show marching. There was no music but a lot of counting. I had to concentrate really hard on our lesson and not on the band and I'm glad I did because it was literally so amazing. Sharae has insomnia and it has been hard for her to come to church but when we sat down she said that reading the Book of Mormon has helped her days go by better and has given her the energy she needs to get through her classes and stuff. We taught her about prayer and fasting and how miracles come by doing both. We had left her with 3 Nephi 17 to read and she loved it. We talked about how Christ was able to heal people and he could help her too. She told us she was really excited to come to church and keep reading the Book of Mormon so she can do better in school. If you aren't reading the Book of Mormon currently at home on a daily bases, I urge you to please start. Even if you have to wake up earlier to have time. It will give you energy during your day just like it has been for Sharae. That book holds power. I know it. We had dinner that night with our member Katee at Chili's. Great time, great time.

Saturday we had a Blitz (we had a ton of them this week) as far west as we could go. We were basically already in the everglades. Then we had a lesson with our friend Santiago and we once again taught the Book of Mormon. It was a really good lesson but he's the drummer of his worship band so we don't know if he's going to come to church. But he has a Book of Mormon now so all is well. He'll know it's true one day! That night we heart attacked the Sisters house and knocked with them and then headed to Akashi. Joseph said I really needed to try sushi so we went to the best place for my first time. It was also Katee's 20th birthday so a bunch of people came. It was honestly so good. And we got there at just the right time because that little place was packed by the time we left. Good food, good people, good memories. 

Sunday was just so amazing. Sister Hammond and I fasted that Sharae would have the strength to come to church and it worked!!! We called her at 11:30 to make sure she was awake and then our member Chelsea (who is stinking amazing) picked her up for us and she loved it! All the testimonies that were shared were just perfect for her and it was just honestly such a great meeting. The branch just took her under their wing and we got to watch it all unfold. I love Snapper Creek YSA with my entire heart. They are the best branch and I'm so happy that I get to be here right now. 

I hope you all are having a great week! Keep being awesome and don't be afraid to share the gospel with your friends. Read, pray, and go to the temple and I promise things will work out. 

All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: Akashi Sushi!! We drive past this place every single time we go to UM and I have always wondered what it is and I now I know. 
The crew: Grant, Chelsea, Luis, Joseph, Nicole, Natalia, Marina, Katee, Me, Sister Hammond
1- Our District: Elder Mendoza, Elder McCombs, Elder Te Hira, Elder Acosta, Elder Duvall, Me, Sister Hammond, Elder Lopez
2-  We had a comp study Saturday morning. I forget to mention that. (Mom I'm sorry the Elders don't take normal pictures. I try to warn them that they will face your wrath but, it doesn't work)
3,4- Heart attact for the Sisters ❤
5- the other district: Elder Zemp, Elder Palamino, Elder Taito, Sister Holbrook, Sister Dalton, Sister Hammond, Me, Elder McCombs, Elder Mata, Elder Te Hira
 Picture's from Grant to Penny.  The first one was from 4 Guys and the other 2 were from church.
Note from Penny - I got this video from Joseph when they were eating at Akashi.  I'm really going to miss getting all these awesome pictures and video's from these amazing members!

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