Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Doce ou dravessura!

Trick or treat! Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you're doing well. This week was full of fun times and miracles for us!

Last Monday we had the chance to go to the beach!! We aren't allowed on the sand but there was a carpet that went out into the middle of the beach so we walked out on it and just sat there for a bit watching the water. The few people that were there gave us weird looks but it's whatever. But we got right back to work and had awesome lessons with Phillip and Kimberly. We taught Phillip about the Plan of Salvation and it made so much sense to him. That was really cool because he's into some kinda weird things. It was nice for something to finally click haha. We taught Kimberly the Word of Wisdom. She was pretty surprised at first but then thought about it and looked up how coffee is made and decided she would stop drinking then and there. It was a funny lesson. 

Tuesday we had interviews with President Garns! We also had a little interview with Sister Garns. We have been really focusing on the Restoration as a mission lately so she made sure we had James 1:5 memorized and the first vision. We had dinner with the Miltons later that night and David came! We taught him about the Law of chastity and following the prophet. We honestly thought it was going to be a pretty uncomfortable lesson but it turned out good haha. Then we headed over to the church for Book of Mormon class! We were reading about Amulek and Zeezrom so they had Sister Oliveira and I act out the conversation that they had. It was a lot of fun haha. I love being able to learn more about the Book of Mormon everyday. Now is the time to prepare. If you aren't taking this time, please rethink what you're doing and start preparing. Read your scriptures! 

Wednesday morning we taught our friend Rihanna! When she opened the door she goes, "I have some Jehovah's Witnesses here soo, no arguing in the house. Okay?" We laughed a little and walked right in. They had been there for 2 hours already so as soon as we walked in they finished up what they were saying and left and let us take over. It was actually really interesting to see how they teach. It taught me some things that I need to do and not do. But we had a good conversation after they left. Rihanna is still listening to us so that's good :) Then we went and taught our friend Linda the restoration. People, the first vision of the Prophet Joseph Smith changed history and most people don't even know it happened!! Let your friends know what church you are a part of it. Don't be crazy but be the person that plants a seed so when the missionaries come by, they are more open. After we shared the first vision Linda kept saying how she had chills. We promised her that as she kept learning and applying the things she learns that God will take of the things in her life right now that she's struggling with. Then we went and saw our buddy David :) He is such a character but so awesome. He had us meet him at a park for his lesson. We were walking along a path and talking about the 10 commandments when David realized we were no longer on the path and started running to find it. As soon as we found it again, we turned the bend and there was a turtle right in the middle of the path! If you aren't keeping the commandments in your life and have fallen off the path a little, you might not even realize it. But as soon as you do, run back. I promise that there are blessing there waiting for you just like that little turtle was waiting for us :) After our lesson I went with Sister Jensen to dinner with their Branch President. He and his wife are from Chile and don't speak a but of English but I once again realized that I can understand most Spanish. It was a way fun night with them. 

Thursday I got to go on a full day exchange with Sister Allsup in Palm Beach. She was trained in Miami Lakes right after I was so it was really fun to be with her :) We visited some members in the morning and took them brownies and then went and saw their friends Ken and VK. VK almost got baptized but his parents didn't give him permission so now they are working on the parents. During that lesson there were a ton of ants all over the ground so we ended up talking about Antman. I never saw that movie before I left so I didn't know what they were talking about but it was a pretty funny conversation. Later that day they had an event going on so I went back with Sister Jensen and we got some Chick-fil-a (shout out to Grant for eating 30 chicken nuggets that one time) and then headed to their correlation. Their mission leader just moved here from St. George about a year or two ago so it was really fun to talk to him :) 

Friday morning we went to see a recent convert named Lauren. She is a Karate master and does art so it was cool to get to know her. She had us try this fake coffee stuff that helped her to get off of coffee and it was literally so gross. I have zero idea why anyone would even want to start drinking coffee in the first place. Later that day we had one of the Portguese sisters, Sister Affonso, join us when we went to see our retuning member Sona. We watched a General Conference talk with her and prayed with her. It was a good time. Then we knocked for like 5 minutes and then went to the church for our ward's trunk or treat! Sister Oliveira dressed up as Mickey and I dressed up as Minnie. The ward loved it :) No one was there until 6:30 but a lot of people did come so that was good! Sona came and brought her son and Sister Oli and Sister Affonso got to trick or treat for their first time. It was pretty funny. Our friend Phillip showed up right toward the end and thought it was all so cool! Everyone was leaving so we ceased the opportunity and gave him a chapel tour! He works in retail and has super busy weekends so can't come to church but we are praying that he gets a weekend off soon so he can come. 

Saturday a lot happened and not a lot happened. It was crazy. We went to help one of our members pack stuff so she can move. We were there for 4 hours and didn't even make a dent. It was crazy. We have no idea how she's going to make it to Utah but it'll work out somehow. Then the assistants called us and brought us a new car! So now we have a Nissan Rogue! It is literally so nice. Don't worry mum, I'll drive safe. We had an 8 year old baptism that night that we were invited to so we could talk so we went to that and then had dinner that night with the Papenfus fam. They are really funny and love video games and Disney so it was fun to talk with them. That night we knocked with the Elders for a minute. It was really dark outside but a miracle happened and people were really nice to us! It was awesome. 

Sunday was the Primary Program! My only one on my mission because last year I was in YSA. I love the primary kids. They are so stinking cute. Kimberly and David both came to church. David had his baptismal interview during second hour and he passed!! We are so excited for him :) After church we ate with the Jensen family and played "Disney or Prophet". So basically Sister Oli and I thought of all the Disney quotes and prophet quotes we could and then they had to guess where they came from. It was fun. Then we had a going away party for the Lopez family. They are moving to Utah on Wednesday and we are going to miss them sooo much. That night we had the coolest miracles. Our goal for finding this week was 5 and by Sunday afternoon we only had 2. Our District leader offered to help us knock so we met up with them and set out to find 3 more people. Well, one of the first doors we knocked on was this mom named Tara who just moved over from the West Coast of Florida. When she moved over there the first people they met where the missionaries who helped them move in. Well that was 2 and a half years ago and now she's back in our area! It was so cool to meet her and she was super excited to run into the church again. And then about an hour later right before we left, it was getting pretty dark and this one house didn't really have lights on but we decided we would knock it and John opened the door. He went and got his wife and they let us right in! Well as we were teaching the restoration we were coming up on the Book of Mormon and John stopped us and went off on a little tangent but then he brought it all around to how he knows that Jesus Christ visited the Indians after he was resurrected because it's only fair. It was crazy!! We we're so excited. So The Book of Mormon made so much sense to him. So, miracles happen.

Sorry this email was so long haha. I hope you all have a great week this week! Don't forget to read, pray and go to the temple! Have a Happy Halloween!
All my love,
Sister Beckstrand

Florida Sunshine: The graffiti! We pass these ones all the time. The pug and the pineapples :)
The Lopez Family!!
Halloween! Sister Oliveira was going to be Jasmine but then her hair wasn't working out later in the day so I gave her some ears. The other sister is Sister Affonso
Our nature walk with David :) We picked up the turtle lol. We probably shouldn't have...
When our district matched for our zone activity without planning it so of course you take pics
(Acted pic) Sister Jensen, Sister Oliveira (shark), Elder Egan, Elder Van Dyke, Sister Wheeler, Me

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